Meaning of presence .presence can be
said to be the fact of a person or anything being in a particular place.
His presence can be seen as God
himself being manifested in a place .the presence of god has to do with the
personality of god that is living in a place or a person. It is the presence of
god that gives room to the activation of God’s power.
When a man is conscious of God (his
presence) in him, there will be no room for fear or any other thing that does
not glorify or that is not of God (1john 4:4).
The presence of god can be manifested
in different dimensions e.g. the Emmanuel presence, the Shekinah presence
Where ever the presence of God is (shekinah
presence) his glory and power will be made manifest there.
Some characteristics of his presence:
1. safety and success(exodus 33:14-15)
2. glory and strength(1chronicles 16:27)
3. fullness of joy(psalm 16:11)
You have to
be born again before you can carry the presence of God.
Note: A carrier
of god’s presence is a carrier of divinity and nothing can by any means stop
that person. When you carry the presence of god you carry God himself
Remain blessed.
Papa Joshua & mama Blessing.

“The doctor asked Diana, what will
you like to say before you are being taken to the theatre, and she blessed God,
thanking him for a successful operation even when she was yet to be operated
upon .This astonished the surgeon and he went in for the operation which was
very successful. By Diana’s combination of faith and thanksgiving, the doctor
and people around wanted to know and serve this god who had done it for her”.
The topic “faith” is not new to us, but
we shall be viewing it from a different angle which involves thanksgiving.
Faith is the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (Hebrews 11:1).it entails taking a
leap into darkness. This is because when you have faith on God, you may not know
where the answer or the dimension where your prayers will get answers from.
Thanksgiving then is a show of
appreciation to god for what he has done and what he is yet to do.
It is our responsibility as
Christians to always give thanks to god in the face of any or all
situation.(1thessalonia 5:15).
From the story of Diana, she had
faith that the operation was going to be successful, but further expressed more
by giving thanks to the father.
The exam timetable is out and there is
tension in the air, so many people are afraid because of inadequate
preparation, some people’s faith are shaking already, am i going to pass at
all? God ooo!!! I am in final year please oo!!
But I come to you with a charge and
that is to combine your faith with thanksgiving. I don’t know how many of us
that knows that thanksgiving is the highest form of expressing faith.
This is because we are rooted in
faith and thus, abound in thanksgiving(Colossians 2:7).tell yourself that the
lord has taken charge of the exams and school fees issues and give thanks to
him. Instead of shaking in fear about the situations around you, thank him for
answering your prayers even when he is yet to answer your prayers because
thanksgiving is towards the past and faith is to the future. When you thank him
for something even before the answer comes, you propel god to consider that
expectation as a past or a done deal.
Faith can be grown by thanksgiving
because the greater your thanksgiving, the greater your faith grows. For as
many of us children of god who desire the growth in fact, it can be achieved by
combining it with thanksgiving (2 Thessalonians 1:3).

oh broken
vessel dream again
Allow my
hands to mend your broken heart
You do not
hold your pain, tears but vision.
Can’t you
feel the warmth of my embrace?
Nothing else
matters but my word for you today,
If only you
will let me,
I will turn
your pain into gain,
And your
horror into honour.
We love you all so much and God has called us to
be a blessing to your life. As you understand your beauty and make up, you will
shine as a star that you are.
Choose to
dream again.
My People, una good morning ooh …..,how una dey ? ….”.I dey
well cumuna for O.P.C
day 2015 “d day wey una go
experience d presence of God live and
As eeh always dey be, I go start from on Sunday inst
week be welfare day , dia theme wey de
“Anointy power to overcome “ you need see the way way some people dank lacaseca
. I believe say all of us go our hostle with “anointing power to overcome.
As of Monday normal na Girls bank
exit and also the day way both girls and boys dey dress like never before . den d thing way shock me na day
dress like never go bank again . den d
thing way dey always remind people Monday na Monday na when dem reach sister
office . One Monday , d people wey go bank na d once wey sing Madonna anthem.
Wednesday…..Omoh……...eeh no easy d melody no be small or or make I say
no be short . I dey tel l you d melody wey no get ending but only beginning una
again becos , I believe everybody get dia
own revelation for d song and d Adoration , becos for me eeh , touch me
well well . I feel am.
Thursday, girls surprise me or
make I say father surprise me. We really dey waka with time becos father .

As of Friday, boys jogging
Saturday ,
meetings and preparation for O.P.C . DAY . we just dey practice , dey pray ,
make 2day crim so God am down , cum visit us .
Happy O.P.C
. day , d theme na in his presence
[Living in d
Consciousness of God ]
33 :14-15