WANTING, BUSY BUT GUILTY (Mene mene tekel)
Text Daniel 5:20-27, 2Chron 25:2, matt 7:21-23
for students to understand that they can be busy in God house and guilty when
weighed on Gods scale.
to bring out the importance of constant self examination

– What would be weighed
The case study for this outline
is the 7 churches Rev 2&3
passion: (Rev 2:4, 1kings 11:6-9, Ps 1:1-3, Romans 12:2)
lot of Christians no longer have Christ as they ought to do “you have forsaken
your first love” Rev 2:4, many things has drawn us from the love of Christ,
just like Solomon in the book of 1kings
11:5-7 we now serve other gods. Rom 12:2 will say we shouldn’t be
deceived by the culture of this world but be transformed by the renewal of mind
so we could approve what is God, pleasing and perfect.
– (Rev2:10, James 1:2-4, Heb 11:6, 2cor 5:7)
you to be mature and complete, not lacking anything, your faith has to be
tested. James 1:2 will say,”consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you
face trials of many kinds”. So the question is do you really have faith in GOD?
For without faith it is impossible to please God.
Compromise – many
“believers” suppress the truth by their wickedness and godliness. We have
modernized sin to be called witness. In Acts 5:2 Ananias tried to keep back
some of the amount he was to give to the church and was struck dead by God.
Also see Romans 1:32, Romans 1:18-19.
Lust – the bible talks about 3
different kind of lust, lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and pride of life
Rev 2:20-23, 1cor 5:1-11, Romans 1:18-32. Proverbs 6:25-29. A lot of youth are
doing as a result of their lust; these could be financially, materially, sexually
and so on.
slumber – God is really calling on many of us today “wake up”
strengthen what remains and is about to die, (Rev 3:2a). In Heb 5:12-14 for us
to grow and be matured there is a need for us to graduate from taking milk to
eating solid food.
– Rev 3:9, 1peter 1:7a, Matt 23:27-28 many of us are like manicured
grave plots, grass clipped and the flowers
bright, but six feet down its all rotting bones and worm eaten flesh.
They claim to be serving God but they are all liars.
– Rev 3:15-17, Heb 6:1, Isaiah 32:15
The question is very clear who
are you? When do you serve? I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor
hot, I wish you were one/the other (rev 3:15) some of us God can even classify
as neither hot nor cold and because of that “I am about to spit you out of my
of those that are weighed and found guilty
Joshua the high priest Zach 3:1-3
Amaziah 2Chronicles 25:2
Uzziah 2Chronicles 26:16
Ananias and Saphira Acts 5:1-2
The elder brother of the prodigal son Luke
Let him that have ear hear what
the spirit is saying, acknowledge your short comings Hebrew 12:1 sincerely
repent from them Psalm 51:17 and change
your ways Revelation 3:19-22.
Someday, every one of us is going
to be on this world for the last day of our life. Every day that we live should
be a day that we live in reference to that fact because whether we live until
Jesus returns, or die first, there will come a day when our destiny is fixed
for eternity and there can be nothing we can do to change it. We are all
conversant with what happened to Belshazzar (Daniel 5:4), we were told he was
giving a party; they drank wine and praised the gods of silver and gold. In the
same hour the fingers of a man appeared and wrote on the wall (vs. 5).
We are living in a time when
people have become unconcerned about God’s judgement. They believe that they
can live anyway that they please and that it is sufficient to just say “LORD, I
am confessing my sins” and their sins will be forgiven. God is weighing our
characters, our conduct and our motives in His balances, it will be a fearful
thing to be found wanting in love and obedience. Like Amaziah (2Chron 25:2) are
you doing what is right but not with your heart? God looks at your heart (Psalm
Friends, this is serious
business, are you praying everyday and saying “Lord please fill me with your
Holy Spirit, give me any rebuke I need, just do not take your Holy Spirit from
me”. Be careful, you can be doing the right thing, even working for God and
yet, when weighed would be found wanting.
Be sensitive
Be on the alert
The trumpet may sound at any time.
The phrase is MENE MENE TEKEL U –
PHARSIN strange and scary aren’t it? Yes! For I can’t imagine being in God’s
presence and He says!
You are
numbered and you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up and
your ministry given to another... I doubt you who consider yourself faithful
would want to hear that from Him too.
Every day we get to struggle so
much to live the Christian life but how much do we diligently do His will and
obey? Or are we as a whole, doing our own will(s), thinking that it will please
God but not knowing that the way that seems right to a man is destruction. Then
for the people who really are doing God’s will, is your hearts right with God
or far from God? Do you do it (His will) as a routine forgetting your first
I thank God for this
dispensation. I so earnestly thank Him for His Spirit- His out pouring of His
Spirit upon all flesh, putting His injunction deep within us and writing them
on our hearts so that more of us may tell the other “you know the LORD”.
Isn’t it good not just to have
the refilling of the spirit but to walk under his guidance? For it is the
Spirit who will not only make us do the father’s will but will also give us the
right heart to do such will.

IS THERE WILL YOUR HEART BE ALSO. So church, endeavour to do His will with the
right heart so that when called to give account He won’t say
... You have been weighed on the
scales and found wanting and you won’t say “had I known”.
and God bless
We the Organised Press Crew wish
all of you a splendid WELFARE day we love you.
serving the Lord
praying for all men
sweeping the floor
In the
house of the Lord
dancing and clapping
and preaching
Do you
really know the Lord?
Or you
are just busy for Him
How is
your inner man?
How is
your inner man?
How is
your prayer life?
How much
of the word of the word of God do you have in your life?
Or you
are just busy for Him
In the
house of the Lord
There are
many kind of vessels
dishonour the Lord
Some give
honour to him
God is
looking for a vessel
Who will
honour Him Always?
Do you
really know the Lord?
Or you
are just busy for Him.
The song is coming like a message
to the church, God is giving everybody a chance, workers, non workers, leaders,
elders, executive council and any other concerned, a chance for self
He’s asking the church, are you
walking with me and working for me or you are just working for me? Are you
doing eye service? Is your heat right with your works?
If you are guilty of any of
these, the Lord is saying is time for you re – examine and re – evaluate your
salvation because He does not recognise you or your deeds. Don’t be found “BUSY
BUT GUILTY”. May God help us AMEN.
How many
times do I go against your will?
Then you
forgive me, but yet I still
around and do those things
things I shouldn’t do because I belong to you
And I
know I take advantage of your grace.
Here is
this Christian race
But yet I
still hear you
my name
calling my name
To come
unto your arm
To be
saved from fear and harm
this but I still chose to go my way
But you
still say
You say
that I am here
You will
supply my every day need
I’ve sinned
you’re still calling my name
How many
times would it take?
For me to
That lets
only do your will
That I’ll
ever learn
learn my life’s toward
honour due to me
Oh life
Riches in
Lord I
I know I
don’t belong with you
Cos I’ve
done wrong oh oh
But yet I
still hear you
my name
In line with the theme for
welfare day “Busy but Guilty” this song opens our eyes to the fact that no
matter how guilty we feel because of how we’ve disappointed God or slipped out
of His will, He still calls your name, He still knocks on the doors of our hearts
ready to sit with us and sup with us (Rev 3:20).
We’ve gone against His will and
His plan for our lives, but it’s time for us to listen to the voice calling our
names and He is ready to accept us back unto His arms.
The song calling my name shows
the grace of God upon man that even in our sinful nature, even when we err, God
still calls us back.
This is also talking to us the
Christians most especially to stop taking advantage of the sufficient trace of
God upon our lives and live life of holiness.
Paul said in the bible:
we continue to sin that grace may abound”.
God is calling us today through the
ministration by the choir, let us hearken to that voice of grace, love and
forgiveness and come back to our father.
A girl walks in frustrated and
fussy over her encounter with a fellow girl at the tap who removed her bucket
to fetch, regardless of her age, level and personality.
Another girl grunts and complains
for being woken up by an usher mama (mama Taiwo) while she dozed off during
service, she swore to deal with her if they have any encounter outside school.
A nigger swaggers in, boasting
over the ill satisfaction he derived from frolicking around with different
girls from different hostels, levels, calibre and complexion. He hopes he has
not been infected with STDs.
A very bitter girl walks in
cursing and swearing to deal with men as a result of ill the treatment she has been
given by them {i.e. father, brother and fiancé} in the past.
The last person, a beautiful girl
walks in, light complexioned displays her perfect physiques and the reason why
she must continue to do all it takes {by hook or crook} to make money.
Many of us who call ourselves or
claim to be workers in God’s house still get involved in numerous and various
sins. Be warned; flee from sin and accept LORD JESUS as your personal saviour.
Always remain faithful to God because He is worthy. Shalom.
Good morning PFM how una dey??
This na the first edition this month of tatafoo korner. This month we believe
say many better things follow come so run to prepare to receive wetin Baba God
get for us. This Sunday na welfare day and their theme na MENE MENE TEKEL and
dem go tell us wetin e mean so na to relax. Observe (look) wetin get to tell
us. As for the football match wey shele on Sunday wey be the 27th of
January 2013 was not a small thing as our leaders really show say dem get the skills, dem beat
the other team with 2goals to. Na dat dey I know say PFM members na true
As of last week things wen happen
for school no be my mouth una go hear am. At least for the fact say una know
say na between authorities and staff that one alone don finish the matter.
Exam! Exam!! Exam!!! Some people
don fire for dis month sake of say we never see time table not to even talk of
say we sure say we go write exam but definitely we go write the exam so na to
prepare better pass make e no be like say when time table come out people go
begin dey run up and down dey prepare for exam. God dey!!!
Press crew day was not a small
something because if them tell me say everything go work out well I for doubt
small but to the glory of God e bam pass wetin I expect so tey person even tell
me say she no know say we get better
actors and actresses. The drama carry e own message as the talk show and other
presentation sef carry e own too. Our leaders are highly placed of smiles and
so far their sake I know say God really feel our urgent need for am nai make
him make that day a successful day.
This month of February we pray
make God stretch Him hands of friendship towards us all, make Him love us and
make this love grow day by day and make Him light radiate for our life for ever
Amen. From Tatafoo korner we say have a wonderful week ahead. Remain blessed.
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