Friday, 26 April 2013

Workers' Day 2013

            WOW!!! Words are not enough for me to say a very big welcome to you all but will leave you with this message “Attempting and achieving greatness”.
Many talk about being great but they fail to take the steps that will lead them to greatness maybe because of fears of some difficult circumstance, that they encounter but I want to tell something that will lead you to your greatness THINK BIG,DREAM BIG AND ACT BIG. For you to achieve greatness you need to think big and not only think big, dream big and act big.  I call them the three B’s [3B]. For you to actually achieve greatness you must learn how to move on in life, no matter what you face don’t give up. For there is time for everything in life, a time so sow and a time to reap, a time to attempt and a time to achieve. Take this to your heart;
                        “The true nature of a man lies within but the circumstances
                               Take him away from his real nature”
In attempting and achieve greatness circumstances are bound to arise but be strong and courageous for God will see you through it all.
Finally for you to achieve greatness you must learn how to speak the mind of God and speak positive words upon your life such as;
   “Let there be greatness and there was me”
So go on and climb to the top, welcome back to school and God bless you.
                                                                                                   ELDER    KASE
The spirit of excellence
Bible text; Daniel 6:3
Then this Daniel was distinguished above the president and satraps because an EXCELLENT SPIRIT was in him over the whole realm.
“The spirit of excellence is not taught,   it is caught…. When you catch the spirit of excellence, you stand  out of the crowd”
Christianity is not a life of mediocrity, for the Holy Spirit himself is a spirit of excellence which inspires excellence in all you do. Walking in excellence is giving the lord the opportunity to express himself through your mind, words and actions: it takes off the side walk of life and stands you amongst your peers. having the consciousness that you have an excellent mind will make you a success in your job, career, academics ,spiritual life e.t.c. excellence is the image of God and if the spirit of Good dwells on the  inside of you it separate you and set you apart for  life of strange manifestation. In our world today, there exists a clash of ideologies and culture, but what would single you out is the spirit of excellence.
OUR TEXT SAYS…. “Daniels was distinguished above”, the president and satraps because an “excellence spirit was in him….. It is clear that the spirit of excellence came after the distinction. Nobody is ever thrilled with normal happenings. You never get a DISTINCTION until you are DISTINGUISHED. So step out of the crowd and take responsibility for our destiny because it is responsibility that makes you responsible.
    When you become a carrier of the spirit of excellence, you enjoy certain favours some of it includes
Acceptability, respect, protocol breaker, you become a treat favour e.t.c.
Now you must understand that anyone can afford a result but not everyone can afford a distinction. The spirit of excellence does not start from the outside. In it starts from inside-out.
BUT DEVELOPMENT-there was a reason why the 4 boys were selected amongst the country of Israel. They had a smell of acceptability, they had knowledge, they were informed, look well physically that endeared people to themselves. Daniel 1:3-5. Any person was Esther she anointed herself with oil for one year and looked confident.
       “When a  king refuses to look like one. He is mistaken for a servant”
Determination and separation---Dan1:8 they determined not to be defiled with worldly passion but concentrated to be fed spiritually.
               “if you don’t want to look like every other person don’t act like every other  person”
            BISHOP   K.C

Boys of Truth
Christianity is not just another pair of Prada shoes. Trust me. I know I have been a Christian long enough. However, in as I understood what it means to follow God, I have been like a switch off and on. But God has been faithful, he has.
         Facing my fears {especially making public presentation} was quite a challenge. The eyes, the large and little eyes, though they are seated, darting at me from all corners of the room {or more still when it is an auditorium
I felt that this fear was in born .it just in my genes. I was sure, I tried, I tried to curtail it. Trust me I did, but it just not pull through. Neither my thoughts nor speaking to the crowd.
       I needed to express myself, I needed to explode owing to this, I swung into writing and it has been graceful ever since. However, I soon realized that my life is about impact and the more I live, the more I come to terms with the fact that I have within me 100 percent heaven splendor undiluted.
     So I simply believe God. I put my fears behind me.  Let myself to God so that by the passing of the day, he takes the fear out of me.
     My fears is too small to deny me the gift of serving God and the opportunity to touch peoples heart for God according to the grace he has granted me.
These are my thoughts and I needed to share them with you today.
                                                                                                                                                  Warm regards—JOSHUA


The villagers decided to pray for rain
On the appointed day everyone gathered
And only one boy came boy came with an umbrella

When you throw a baby in the air, he laughs
Because he knows you will catch him

Every night we go to bed, we have no assurance
Of waking up  yet we plan  for the next day

Lets us Christians learn  to have  FAITH in God,
put our  TRUST  in him and know that there is HOPE.
But, do not forget that all these are minor because your religion is what you do and who you are when the sermon is over.


I am the God who healeth thee
Oh that you only trust in me
You are the food, by faith received.
The blessing of Abraham
Where you are, wherever you go
Wherever you touch is anointed to grow
You are the seed, by faith receive
The blessing of Abraham x2
It’s your inheritance
Get your inheritance
You are the seed’ by faith receive
The blessing of Abraham
The of blessing Abraham
The head not the tail
Above, not beneath
A lender, not a borrower
Get your inheritance
It’s your inheritance
You are the seed, by faith receive
The blessing of Abraham
The blessing of Abraham

Because you are in Christ, you are Abraham’s heir, and you have an inheritance on your life. You are an heir to the promise God made to Abraham. The Bible tells us, “The plans  that God has towards us are good and not evil, to give us an expected end” God has decorated us with everything we need, but we stand in the way of manifestation of God’s plan for us when we err and go out of Gods purpose for our lives. Since God has given us all we need, all that is left to do is to go and get our inheritance and be the head and not the tail, a lender and not a borrower, above, not beneath, and to exercise the kingly person on the inside of us as the son of God (all knowing, almighty)
                                      G V M C MESSAGE

Don’t think we have either had more expectations, hopes and dreams then now. Practically, most people I know will leave in the next three months and face the world and then others . . .
     But first before I start, I would like to welcome us all from the Easter holiday. And to the final year workers in the house “SING FOR JOY” and to my friends and well wishers (especially in the organized press crew) THE LORD IS WITH US. God bless you all!
          Now back to business, we the workers as a whole are dealing on the topic \training workshop titled “SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE” using Daniel as a case study. A few months back I began the chronicles of Daniel as a young boy of sixteen years. We talked about Daniel and his friends’ service to God while serving king Nebuchadnezzar on the other hand.
          We also speak about king’s dream for which God granted Daniel the favour to interpret. Then we moved on to get a little hint about his relationship – He moved with people/friends with like minds they had the same zeal to serve God no matter what will befall them (in this care it was a life or death issue)
          Then we went on to study these powerful words MENE MENE TEKEL PARSIN –its circumstances, meaning, result etc, how God used these words to liberate his nation Israel from the tyrannical rule of Babylon, subduing it and handing it over to Medes and Persia
          Now we all here come a very long way but have we leant the lessons of this young Christians, applying it to our lives?
          You know most of us are no better than they are but do we place God first?  Or is the reverse the case? Do we bemoan our fate? Or do we bless and pray for those who despise us or do we dig pits for them to fall in? In fact what do we do with our lives – in that situation – and between Sundays?
          My beloved, you are at the helm of your ship and I would ask you all this:
          . . . Choose today whom you will serve
          . . . But as for me . . . I will serve the Lord
                                                                   Stay blessed
                                                       HAPPY WORKER’S DAY
                                                                   Organised Press Crew

   By Nnanna Ikpo
My king
                   My dearest king,
You know, sometimes I wonder
I can’t help but wonder
If life was empty
I mean ever so empty
Would I have ever smiled?
If you did not love me
Would the sun be yellow?
And the bright skies be blue?
My love,
My best friend, my God,
Your love makes me humble
Your wisdom
 Makes me little
And your presence makes me small
But I love you
I really love you
My angel,
          My morning angel,
          My savior and friend
           I know I am flesh
          I know I am weak
          But you make me stronger
          You make me right
          And all my worries
          You turn to excitement
          Genuine excitement
My love,
          You my love
You make me complete
With you, I am perfect
In you, I am all I want to be
For you, from now (and its official) it’s just you, me and the times.  I love you Jesus.

The greatest man in history is –JESUS
He had no servant, yet they called him – MASTER
He had no degree, yet they call him – TEACHER
He had no medicine, yet they called him –HEALER
He had no warrior, yet he conquered – THE WORLD
He committed no crime, yet he was - CRUCIFIED
He was buried in a tomb yet – LIVES TODAY
He had no money, ye the fed – TWELVE THOUSAND
He is one man but died for - ALL MEN
Of a truth, JESUS is the greatest MAN in HISTORY.
From Nectar,
Organized Press Crew

Do not say it is not my work, because once upon a time, there were these four persons named EVERYBODY, SOMEBODY, ANYBODY and NOBODY. There was an important job to be done, and everybody was asked to do it. Everybody was sure that somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job.
          Everybody thought anybody could do it but nobody realized that everybody wouldn’t do it. So it ended up that everybody blamed somebody when nobody did what anybody could have done.
                             Keep working for God
                             Happy workers day
                                                                                                  By Rainbow

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The Organised Press Crew Day 2013


Do you feel condemned and think that you are not fit to enjoy this friendship with the Holy Spirit?
Do you think that there’s nothing real about the Holy Spirit and that you cannot be friends with Him.
The truth is that the Holy Spirit is a real being and all you need do is to open up yourself to Him and ask Him to make Himself real to you. God doesn’t just want you to be His servant, He wants something deeper. He wants you to be His friend.
Are you a friend of God! Or are you just a limited servant. You can look at John 15:15. God loves you no matter what and He wants to be your best friend. Christianity is all about depending on God.


I AM THE LORD- Frank Edwards
I am the Lord
And I know your name
I died for you
Yes I shed my blood
And I heard your prayer
And I know your name
Am watching over you
So wipe those tears away
Jesus said:
Give me your hands
I’ve got something for you
Jesus said
Walk with me
And I bless you lord
I know you love me
And I love you too
Am watching over you
So why don’t you rejoice
You are the apple of my eyes
And I know your name
You don’t have to cry any more
So why don’t you rejoice

The Holy Spirit is there when you need him, and even when you think, He’s not there, He is still there, wanting you to need him and become His intimate friend. Making Him your intimate friend gives you more insight to your purpose and a peace that passes all understanding.

Jesus Christ in his word promised to send us the Holy Spirit whom He called the COMFORTER. The one who would never leave us He is the Holy Spirit, the one who leads us into all truth. Before Christ left, He promised his disciples that the Spirit of God Himself, the comforter, would come to guide them (John14:15-31, 16:5-16).
The Holy Spirit is the very presence of God within us, helping us to live as God wants. He is a powerful person on our side, working for and with us and to enjoy and have a wonderful friendship with Him we have to put total trust on Him and allow Him lead us (1John 2:18-29).
He leads us into all truth
He teaches us
He convinces us of our sins
He warns us of God’s judgement
He assures us of God’s forgiveness
He helps us understand, interpret and apply biblical truth
He is our source of wisdom
He is our sanctifier
He is our guide/protector
He is the one who marks you to be present.
To enjoy these roles in your life, you must be ready and available. You should be born again and be willing to activate the power of the Holy Spirit upon your life.


DEITY:       The Holy Spirit is the 3rd personality in the trinity,
                      He is also God. Acts 5:2-4, Luke 1:35, Matt 28:19
PERSONA:                He grieves: Isa 63:10, Eph 4:30
                                    He prays:    Rom 8:26
                                    He comforts: Acts 9:31
                                    He directs:    Acts15:28-29, 16:6-7
                                    He warns:  Acts 20:22-23
                                    He witnesses:  Heb 10:15-16
HIS WORK:             Teaching/Remembrance- John 14:26
                                    Witness: Acts 1:8
                                    Boldness: Acts 4:31
                                    Comforting: Acts 9:31
HIS FRUITS:                       Galatians 5:22-23
HIS GIFTS:             This is the benefits of His friendship
                                   1Cor 12:4-15.
UNPARDONABLE SIN:   The only sin that cannot be forgiven is the sin against the Holy Spirit Matt 12:32.
RECEIVING HIM:   John 7:37-39, Acts 2:38, 4:31, 8:17, and 10:41
IN JESUS:               Matt 1:18, 3:11, Luke 3:22, 4:1
HIS TEMPLE:           Our body is the temple of God and must be kept holy, 1Cor 6:19-20.

There can’t be a friendship with the Holy – Spirit until you have a continual fellowship and partnership with him. So there can’t be a friendship without a fellowship and there can’t be a fellowship without a partnership.
For you to enjoy friendship with the Holy Spirit and not be rejected, then activate the ministry of giving in your life. The Holy – Spirit is a spirit that hates and rejects stingy people i.e. people who don’t have the heart of giving to God sacrificially. In Acts 5:1-3 Ananias and Sapphira refused to give to God all the money they realised from their possession sold and they were rejected by the Holy – Spirit.
They can’t be getting without a giving. Giving is a principle in the kingdom which was practiced even by the principal (God) who supersedes the affairs of this kingdom. He used the ministry of giving to achieve the ministration of reconciliation. (John 3:16a) says “for God so love the world and He gave His only begotten son”. So you can see that, God himself had to give His only son for Him to get us. So beloved, there can’t be a getting until there is a giving. If you don’t activate your giving habit, then you will endure hardship with the Holy – Spirit instead of enjoying friendship with the Holy – Spirit.
The Holy – Spirit wants to be friends with those who pay their tithe and give their offerings.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a friend you could always count on... one who is always available to meet your needs? One of the greatest problem people faces is loneliness. When Jesus returned to heaven He sent a friend that will never leave us or forsake us that friend is the Holy – Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the 3rd person in the trinity; He is the spirit if God but He is more than just that. John 14:16 made it very clear when Jesus said that He will send us a comforter that will abide with us forever. That comforter is the HOLY – SPIRIT. To be intimate with him means having a personal relationship with him and knowledge of whom He is by studying the word of God. You may ask why I SHOULD BE INTIMATE WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. Let me tell you why: He is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. He has come to stay forever. He doesn’t go and come neither does He takes a few days off, go on a trip or vacation. He understands you more than you understand yourself. He is a companion, helper, guide, mediator, a darling, sweetheart and most of all, a true friend.
First of all, acknowledge His presence every second, wake up every morning and say good morning to Him. Tell Him the things you can’t tell anyone, your thoughts and feelings.
I know this might seem awkward, talking to someone you can’t see. But the Holy – Spirit is a friend whose presence is not seen but felt. I like to call Him my HERATBEAT, because as long as I live, I know He dwells in me. I overcome life challenges because GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN ME THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD. Read about Him in the bible, fall madly in love with Him and He will make Himself manifest to you.
THE HOLY – SPIRIT is available to everyone. Once you are born again and filled with the Holy – Spirit, you have all you could ever ask for. This is a year of “GREATER EXPLOITS” and you can’t do this alone. You need the Holy –Spirit and you have read why. A closer walk with Him will give you an insight on how to live a successful and fulfilled life. There is no friend like HIM. He is simply the BEST!!!
The Holy Spirit. Hah!  Such a confusing concept of one given to help us in this race. But this should not be because He said, says and still saying – you are gods and all of you are children of the Most High.
Yes we all know all these but have we really received Him? Or believed in Him? – This guy promised to us?
I know we know Him but the problem with us is that we are so physical that it feels extremely strange to talk to we cannot see so our friendship with Him becomes a one way thing. Now imagine being a friend to one who demands but never gives. ‘Ouch!’ u might say that’s selfish. Right but sadly that describes our relationship with Him, we demand, ask, beg and sometimes try to manipulate Him but we never give back.
Why? This is because we think He is so spiritual ‘strict’ ‘holy’ ‘formal’ that He is incapable of feelings, understanding your feelings or fun. We think He is a Big Boy so Big boys don’t show emotion or cry or are sad. Either that or we get too busy that we skip Him from our schedule or to do list oh! In His part, that’s so tiring and frustrating for it hurts when we are not understood or cared for. Then imagine what that does to Him.
Talking from experience, He is one friend I wish everyone could have because unlike our earthly friends He is never judgemental, domineering, so respectful, never manipulative, so positive, so lovely, and loveable. In fact He loves us any way we are. He does not act the ‘BOSS’ when we fall, fail or are in pain. When we limit or fall or reject Him, He hurts but He focuses more on our pain... yes!!! He is that sensitive...
I may go on and on and list His many unnumbered attributes and never gets tired. Why? This is a topic that interests me most for I am where I am because of Him and He watches out for my best interest no matter the circumstances. He is never confused, His voice so calm and soothing, healing my troubled soul. In fact He is more than a lover.
Anyway it’s not wrong to fear and reverence Him either is it wrong to demand or ask from Him but it’s unjust to reciprocate what we have been given. Remember that communication and understanding are the keys to every relationship so let’s make Him our friend for;

Finally the main day wey we don dey wait for don finally land and na today. Organised Press Crew day na today oh and trust me, e get many things wey follow am. Our theme for this year na ‘ENJOYING FRIENDSHIP WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT’ and the Text wey we dey use bak am up na John 15:15 wey talk say ‘’He no longer calls us servants abi na house boy because house boy no know wetin him master dey do but now Him don call us friends because everything wey Him don learn from His father, Him don let us know’’.
Sometimes if we think am well, we go know say the friend wey we get know us well pass our people for house sake of say we fit tell dem something wey we nor fit tell our brothers/sisters but today we go learn how we fit enjoy friendship with the Holy – Spirit.
Well I no fit even think of wetin to write again as per say the joy of today don fill me sotey, I don high (chuckles) in the Holy – Spirit. Oh! Well at least today una go know the people wey dey behind most of the things wey una dey see for billboard and our leaders too.
Exam mode n aim we dey enter gradually so we go like una make una read oh e beta say una ready before we reach the day than say una go want wait till the d day before una start to prepare.sha we wish una success for upcoming examination and also pray say una go enjoy friendship with the Holy – Spirit as from today. From Tatafoo korner we say we love you and ORGANISED PRESS CREW CARES!!!

Welfare Day 2013

Text         Daniel 5:20-27, 2Chron 25:2, matt 7:21-23
Objective- for students to understand that they can be busy in God house and guilty when weighed on Gods scale.
Focus- to bring out the importance of constant self examination
INTRODUCTION:    the measure of our integrity comes not from our own opinion but from Gods standard 2Tim 2:19a many believers are in church today claiming to be serving God, but God do not recognise them or what they are doing because their heart is far from God. 2Chron 25:2. It is pertinent to note that as Christians, there is a huge difference between working for God and working with God. So many people are really serving God (working for God) but not working with God, God wants us to return back to our first love and be on a right standing with Him Rev 2:4
Outline – What would be weighed
The case study for this outline is the 7 churches Rev 2&3
Cold passion: (Rev 2:4, 1kings 11:6-9, Ps 1:1-3, Romans 12:2)
        A lot of Christians no longer have Christ as they ought to do “you have forsaken your first love” Rev 2:4, many things has drawn us from the love of Christ, just like Solomon in the book of 1kings  11:5-7 we now serve other gods. Rom 12:2 will say we shouldn’t be deceived by the culture of this world but be transformed by the renewal of mind so we could approve what is God, pleasing and perfect.
Faith – (Rev2:10, James 1:2-4, Heb 11:6, 2cor 5:7)

        For you to be mature and complete, not lacking anything, your faith has to be tested. James 1:2 will say,”consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds”. So the question is do you really have faith in GOD? For without faith it is impossible to please God.
Compromise – many “believers” suppress the truth by their wickedness and godliness. We have modernized sin to be called witness. In Acts 5:2 Ananias tried to keep back some of the amount he was to give to the church and was struck dead by God. Also see Romans 1:32, Romans 1:18-19.
Lust – the bible talks about 3 different kind of lust, lust of the eye, lust of the flesh and pride of life Rev 2:20-23, 1cor 5:1-11, Romans 1:18-32. Proverbs 6:25-29. A lot of youth are doing as a result of their lust; these could be financially, materially, sexually and so on.
Spiritual slumber – God is really calling on many of us today “wake up” strengthen what remains and is about to die, (Rev 3:2a). In Heb 5:12-14 for us to grow and be matured there is a need for us to graduate from taking milk to eating solid food.
Hypocrisy – Rev 3:9, 1peter 1:7a, Matt 23:27-28 many of us are like manicured grave plots, grass clipped and the flowers  bright, but six feet down its all rotting bones and worm eaten flesh. They claim to be serving God but they are all liars.
Complacency – Rev 3:15-17, Heb 6:1, Isaiah 32:15
The question is very clear who are you? When do you serve? I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot, I wish you were one/the other (rev 3:15) some of us God can even classify as neither hot nor cold and because of that “I am about to spit you out of my mouth”.
Examples of those that are weighed and found guilty
-         Joshua the high priest Zach 3:1-3
-         Amaziah 2Chronicles 25:2
-         Uzziah 2Chronicles 26:16
-         Ananias and Saphira Acts 5:1-2
-         The elder brother of the prodigal son Luke 15:28-32a
Let him that have ear hear what the spirit is saying, acknowledge your short comings Hebrew 12:1 sincerely repent  from them Psalm 51:17 and change your  ways Revelation 3:19-22.

Someday, every one of us is going to be on this world for the last day of our life. Every day that we live should be a day that we live in reference to that fact because whether we live until Jesus returns, or die first, there will come a day when our destiny is fixed for eternity and there can be nothing we can do to change it. We are all conversant with what happened to Belshazzar (Daniel 5:4), we were told he was giving a party; they drank wine and praised the gods of silver and gold. In the same hour the fingers of a man appeared and wrote on the wall (vs. 5).
We are living in a time when people have become unconcerned about God’s judgement. They believe that they can live anyway that they please and that it is sufficient to just say “LORD, I am confessing my sins” and their sins will be forgiven. God is weighing our characters, our conduct and our motives in His balances, it will be a fearful thing to be found wanting in love and obedience. Like Amaziah (2Chron 25:2) are you doing what is right but not with your heart? God looks at your heart (Psalm 5:17).
Friends, this is serious business, are you praying everyday and saying “Lord please fill me with your Holy Spirit, give me any rebuke I need, just do not take your Holy Spirit from me”. Be careful, you can be doing the right thing, even working for God and yet, when weighed would be found wanting.
Be sensitive
Be on the alert
The trumpet may sound at any time.

The phrase is MENE MENE TEKEL U – PHARSIN strange and scary aren’t it? Yes! For I can’t imagine being in God’s presence and He says!
You are numbered and you have been weighed on the balances and have not measured up and your ministry given to another... I doubt you who consider yourself faithful would want to hear that from Him too.
Every day we get to struggle so much to live the Christian life but how much do we diligently do His will and obey? Or are we as a whole, doing our own will(s), thinking that it will please God but not knowing that the way that seems right to a man is destruction. Then for the people who really are doing God’s will, is your hearts right with God or far from God? Do you do it (His will) as a routine forgetting your first love?
I thank God for this dispensation. I so earnestly thank Him for His Spirit- His out pouring of His Spirit upon all flesh, putting His injunction deep within us and writing them on our hearts so that more of us may tell the other “you know the LORD”.
Isn’t it good not just to have the refilling of the spirit but to walk under his guidance? For it is the Spirit who will not only make us do the father’s will but will also give us the right heart to do such will.
God is not a man that He judges from the outside our works instead He is one that works on the inside. He doesn’t want us to put our hands on the plough and run after the things of the world, instead He wants a full hearted devotion from us. Neither does He treasure it when we who prefers to worship Him do not do so in Spirit and in Truth. We call Him LORD! LORD! But our hearts are so far from Him.
He says ... WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS THERE WILL YOUR HEART BE ALSO. So church, endeavour to do His will with the right heart so that when called to give account He won’t say
... You have been weighed on the scales and found wanting and you won’t say “had I known”.
                                Thanks and God bless
We the Organised Press Crew wish all of you a splendid WELFARE day we love you.

Busy serving the Lord
Busy praying for all men
Busy sweeping the floor
In the house of the Lord
Singing, dancing and clapping
Prophesying and preaching
Do you really know the Lord?
Or you are just busy for Him
How is your inner man?
How is your inner man?
How is your prayer life?
How much of the word of the word of God do you have in your life?
Or you are just busy for Him
In the house of the Lord
There are many kind of vessels
Some dishonour the Lord
Some give honour to him
God is looking for a vessel
Who will honour Him Always?
Do you really know the Lord?
Or you are just busy for Him.
The song is coming like a message to the church, God is giving everybody a chance, workers, non workers, leaders, elders, executive council and any other concerned, a chance for self examination.
He’s asking the church, are you walking with me and working for me or you are just working for me? Are you doing eye service? Is your heat right with your works?
If you are guilty of any of these, the Lord is saying is time for you re – examine and re – evaluate your salvation because He does not recognise you or your deeds. Don’t be found “BUSY BUT GUILTY”. May God help us AMEN.

How many times do I go against your will?
Then you forgive me, but yet I still
Turn around and do those things
The things I shouldn’t do because I belong to you
And I know I take advantage of your grace.
Here is this Christian race
But yet I still hear you
Calling my name

You’re calling my name
To come unto your arm
To be saved from fear and harm
Knowing this but I still chose to go my way
But you still say
You say that I am here
You will supply my every day need
Oh LORD I’ve sinned
But you’re still calling my name
How many times would it take?
For me to learn
That lets only do your will
That I’ll ever learn
I’ll learn my life’s toward
The honour due to me
Oh life eternally
Riches in glory
Lord I know
I know I don’t belong with you
Cos I’ve done wrong oh oh
But yet I still hear you
Calling my name
In line with the theme for welfare day “Busy but Guilty” this song opens our eyes to the fact that no matter how guilty we feel because of how we’ve disappointed God or slipped out of His will, He still calls your name, He still knocks on the doors of our hearts ready to sit with us and sup with us (Rev 3:20).
We’ve gone against His will and His plan for our lives, but it’s time for us to listen to the voice calling our names and He is ready to accept us back unto His arms.
The song calling my name shows the grace of God upon man that even in our sinful nature, even when we err, God still calls us back.
This is also talking to us the Christians most especially to stop taking advantage of the sufficient trace of God upon our lives and live life of holiness.
Paul said in the bible:
        “Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound”.
 God is calling us today through the ministration by the choir, let us hearken to that voice of grace, love and forgiveness and come back to our father.
                                                        FROM GVMC
                                                        HAPPY WELFARE DAY

A girl walks in frustrated and fussy over her encounter with a fellow girl at the tap who removed her bucket to fetch, regardless of her age, level and personality.
Another girl grunts and complains for being woken up by an usher mama (mama Taiwo) while she dozed off during service, she swore to deal with her if they have any encounter outside school.
A nigger swaggers in, boasting over the ill satisfaction he derived from frolicking around with different girls from different hostels, levels, calibre and complexion. He hopes he has not been infected with STDs.
A very bitter girl walks in cursing and swearing to deal with men as a result of ill the treatment she has been given by them {i.e. father, brother and fiancé} in the past.
The last person, a beautiful girl walks in, light complexioned displays her perfect physiques and the reason why she must continue to do all it takes {by hook or crook} to make money.
Many of us who call ourselves or claim to be workers in God’s house still get involved in numerous and various sins. Be warned; flee from sin and accept LORD JESUS as your personal saviour. Always remain faithful to God because He is worthy. Shalom.

                                                        WELFARE DEPT

Good morning PFM how una dey?? This na the first edition this month of tatafoo korner. This month we believe say many better things follow come so run to prepare to receive wetin Baba God get for us. This Sunday na welfare day and their theme na MENE MENE TEKEL and dem go tell us wetin e mean so na to relax. Observe (look) wetin get to tell us. As for the football match wey shele on Sunday wey be the 27th of January 2013 was not a small thing as our leaders  really show say dem get the skills, dem beat the other team with 2goals to. Na dat dey I know say PFM members na true supporters.
As of last week things wen happen for school no be my mouth una go hear am. At least for the fact say una know say na between authorities and staff that one alone don finish the matter.
Exam! Exam!! Exam!!! Some people don fire for dis month sake of say we never see time table not to even talk of say we sure say we go write exam but definitely we go write the exam so na to prepare better pass make e no be like say when time table come out people go begin dey run up and down dey prepare for exam. God dey!!!
Press crew day was not a small something because if them tell me say everything go work out well I for doubt small but to the glory of God e bam pass wetin I expect so tey person even tell me say she no  know say we get better actors and actresses. The drama carry e own message as the talk show and other presentation sef carry e own too. Our leaders are highly placed of smiles and so far their sake I know say God really feel our urgent need for am nai make him make that day a successful day.
This month of February we pray make God stretch Him hands of friendship towards us all, make Him love us and make this love grow day by day and make Him light radiate for our life for ever Amen. From Tatafoo korner we say have a wonderful  week ahead. Remain blessed.

                                                                TATAFOO KORNER