Made for Signs and
Kelechi Confidence

to the vast streams within you. You were designed to be a sign of your Creator’s manifold abilities to the world.
That is whys the sign must precede the state of wonder. You never become a sign
by giving into sex, drugs, masturbation, bad addiction.... All of these vices
were not originally part of your creation plan. You were created to be a King
but for so long a time you remain a slave to sin disregarding your undiscovered
purpose. You cannot become a wonder without the investment and manifestation of
a sign. You represent a sign on the earth that there exists a super- God. When
men see you, they should see and feel the presence of eternity. Little wonder
scripture says in Psalm 82:6 that ye are gods. This is the one of the most
amazing revelations ever exposed to man. Anything short of this revelation does
not describe and benefit your person .
so much loved watching the Olympic games more than anything else. There was
this excitement and adventure it brought that kept me glues to my seat all day wishing
the episode never ends. The contestants from the Asian countries were usually
the spice of the game; the talent and originality they brought to the games
kept the spectators on their feet rendering thundering endless applause.
OUTSTANDING! For you to become outstanding among those standing you must get
prepared for life outside the normal expectation of men. The world is filled
with people who enjoy popular patronage. Excellence is not just a grade level.
It is a mental consciousness. It starts from the mind and then reaches to the
world. Dare to be different today. IF YOU CAN’T BEAT THEM STAND OUT.
1Timothy 4:8
Isaac Anga
Sport is a competitive activity involving
physical effort and skill. Football is a sort of activity which bible says it
profiteth little. But so many Christians make it profit more than their
spiritual life.
Sports today have become the god for many,
People keep seats for a match scheduled for 4pm at 8am. For many they pay to
watch football in viewing centres. This also cuts into the issue of timing.
Time is so precious that when it is lost it can’t be regaines. Instead of
investing time for God and their future they rather spend it all day long in
beting, arguing and even fighting over what they watched. Some time ago, a man
in Lagos killed his friend because his club lost, also a man threw his wife off
the top of the house to death because of football, the spiritual implication is
that football has turned to people’s God now. Lets look at God’s football club
Coach: God
Referee: Jesus Christ(Hebrews 12:2)
Keeper: Angels
Players Christians (Mark 16:15)
Red Cross: Grace and Mercy
Assistant Coach: Holy Spirit(John 14:16)
Now we know the kind of football God expects
us to play. Note this: It is not that foot ball is bad but more time for God
than football. We have a God given future so let’s invest in our time more than
to football. FOOTBALL without HOLINESS (GOD) is DEATH BALL (HELL FIRE). Stand
out of the crowd and represents GOD’s football team in spreading his word to
all nations. Go to God’s ARSENAL football team, to terrorize satanic kingdom (2
Corinthians 10:3-6, Ephesians 6:10-18). What will happen if trumpet sounds, if
you asre in football centre?
things shall perish from under the sky. Music Alone shall live. This shows that
the value of music cannot be overemphasized. It cuts across all areas of life
as it is often said that ‘music is the food for the soul’. Thus, the kind of
music determines the state of a man’s mind.
this jet age, there are various kinds of music ranging from R & B, Jazz,
Rock, Hip Hop, Reggae, etc. But what really matters, the artiste, the genre,
the lyrics, and the rhythm? What attracts you to a song? The beats, the popularity
of the artist or the lyrics what really matters?
making a difference in music, these questions must be answered. Music in itself
is a mystery. As earlier stated, ‘All things may perish but music continues in
the heavens’
kind of music we listen to have a lot of effect on our soul which is the mind.
No wonder the Bible stated categorically the kinds of songs we listen to or
even sing.
5:19 ‘Speaking to one another in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing
and making melody in your heart to the Lord’ Psalms are scriptural lyrics in
songs. Hymns are humanly inspired lyrics in songs, spiritual songs are
impromptu lyrics given by the Holy Spirit in one’s language or in tongues.
any collection of lyrics that do not meet these standards is not a food for the
soul. Also, any inspiration gotten from a song that does not make melody in our
hearts to the Lord should be avoided.
for us to go MAD in music, we need a base, which is the Holy Spirit, since He
is the true source of good music.
let us call a spade a spade. Any music that is not inspires by the Holy Spirit,
does not make melody in the soul or corrupts our mind, and is strongly abhorred
by our conscience no matter how much we try to deny it, is a disease to the
whatever things are true, noble, pure, just, lovely and are of good report. If
there is any virtue and of there is anything praise worthy, sing and meditate
on these things. (Philippians 4:8)
Karibo Hephzibah
word ‘relationship’ is from the word ‘relation’ meaning to RELATE or
COMMUNICATE. Every letter in the word RELATIONSHIP means something significant.
God must be reverenced. Too many ask for God’s counsel when getting into
marriage, but they do not when entering a relationship and that is the
foundation. If the foundation be faulty, what can the righteous do?
You must have an earnest expectation of what you want, and pray towards it. The
expectation of the righteous shall not be cut off.
You do not fall in love, you grow in love. Love is not a pit that you fall
into. 1 John 4:8 says love is God. You don’t fall in God, you grow in God. In 1
Corinthians 13:4, you discover the characteristics of love and grow in it.
Can two walk together except they agree. Amos 3:3. What you do not agree about,
you will always argue about.
Love is patient. With the imperfect people in a ship with different background,
environment, way of thinking, you do not always expect your partner to think
like you. The beauty is when two different people come together to form one.
You must give room for tolerance.
What difference have you made in the life of that person? Can your partner look
at you and call you an inspiration. Iron sharpens Iron.
I have not heard of any success story without pain and obstacles. Many waters cannot
quench love. A friend loves at all times.
Every relationship like a flower needs nurturing. If love grows, then you must
nurture its growth.
You must be supportive. Support your partner’s vision and be his number one
fan. Ecclesiastes 4:8
Be truthful to your partner, there is no point claiming who you are not. Once
in a while, let him see you without make-up.
You must strive to be financially independent. A man that cannot provide for
his family is worse than infidel.
And the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts
and minds through Christ Jesus. Always be sure that whatever you are doing, you
are at peace with God.
is no hurry in life. Relationship is a vision, and the vision is yet for an
appointed time; but at the end, it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it
tarries, wait for it because it will surely come.
GVMC Ministration
Awesome God
God is an awesome God
reigns from heaven above
Wisdom and Power and love
God is an awesome God
He reigns,
yes he reigns
reigns, yes he reigns
God, He is an awesome God
He is
an Awesome God, Yes!
an awesome God
God is awesome God.
behold the Lamb
Precious Lamb of God
into sin that I may live again
Precious Lamb of God
is the Lamb
Precious Lamb of God
You Love me so, Lord I shall never know
Precious Lamb of God
You for the Lamb
Precious Lamb of God
of Your Grace, I can finish this race
Precious Lamb of God
behind the Songs
songs are connected to the soon approaching Easter celebration season. Jesus is
the Precious Lamb of God, who was slain for our sins. As a result of this
unconditional love for us, because of His Grace, we can finish this race and
gain the crown of righteousness in the end.
Make a
Difference in Your Social
Pastor Jake
Social network is a scenario where people
meet and relate. We have different social networks today such as face book,
twitter, 2go, musalt, queep etc. These are internet locations where both
believers and unbelievers meet to relate.
I have really discovered that if you are not
really strong in faith and you are in either one of the social network, you may
deviate from the faith because this is a place where you face diverse
temptations. Many girls have lost their virginity in the name of social
networking. So called believers have made this social networks an idol to them.
Some people are so addicted to their browsing gadgets and it has taken the
place of God in their lives. Anything you give more priority to above God
becomes your idol.
Some people have made their phone an idol.
When they wake up in the morning, what they do first is to pick up their phone
and start browsing instead first talking to God. The scripture says in Exodus
20:3: ‘Thou shall have no other gods before me.’
Today God is telling us as believers to make
a difference on social networks on which we are. Do not be involved in chats
that will not glorify God but be there to spread the gospel. Evangelize to
people online instead of doing the opposite. The question I leave with you:
What is your status now on that social network you are on? Does it glorify God?
If not go and make a difference by changing your status to glorify God.
Gal on the
from last week
...but as usual I found favour before my superiors.
It was the end of seven years that the King’s
mind was given back to him and he praised and acknowledged the TRUE LIVING GOD,
THE MOST HIGH. This was one remarkable event that occurred during the terrible
reign of King Nebuchadnezzar.
As I had served King Nebuchadnezzar, I too
served his son Nebodinya and his son’s son Belshazzar. According to the
prophecy by Prophet Jeremiah, our captivity was to be for 70years after which
it would be overturned by the capture of Babylon. This was fulfilled during the
reign of Belshazzar thus:
The King Belshazzar made a great feast for
like 1,000 nobles and during the feast; he asked to be brought into the feast
the sacred cups taken by his father Nebuchadnezzar from the raid of the temple
at Jerusalem at the capture of Israel. These gold and silver cups were
perverted to him and at his order. It was used to drink wine and get drunk. Not
only did they stop here, they all praised their idols made of wood, stone,
gold, silver and iron.
While these were going on, they beheld a
human writing on the wall. This astounded and terrified the King, for not only
was it a strange sight to behold, whatever was written on this wall was in a
strange language of which no man present there could read.
At this, the King made a decree that
whosoever would read and interpret the writing will be dressed in purple robes
of royal honour with a gold chain round his neck and made the 3rd
ruler of Babylon after him.
Of course none could interpret it and the
queen getting word of this told the king to summon me to the palace. One thing
led to another and I was before the King. Before me, the king made good his
promise but as usual I rejected his gifts. I set about to state expressly what
the king had done to warrant this terrible visit from the Most High God- after
which I set about to interpret what was written on the wall. (What is written
in this book and of which you know is the Chaldean interpretation of the
original letters written) ‘MENE MENE TEKEL UPHARSIN’.
Safe journey!
With love from O.P.C.
Well finally, we don commot from exam week
but that one no mean say some people don finish their exam but at least
majority don finish. Na to thank God sur pass oh! Good morning PFM, I dey
welcome una to the last edition of tatafor korner for the semester, hope say
una night make sense scatter because my mind dey at rest and sake of say book
din finish for the semester join sef make am sweet more.
Last week Sunday wey be 10th
March, 2013, Sanctuary Department celebrate their day with the theme : BORN TO
WIN. If to say at all I no gbadu that day, I don drop bomb be that because that
day make sense scatter from the introduction down to the sermon
serious matter we see na this one them dey call ‘End of Discussion’ because
everything put together na correct packaging. Though Drama department never
celebrate their own but at the moment I dey believe sanctch oh! Because without
them we no go know or get where to worship God.
So far so good, nothing really happen last
week because of exam so my eyes no see anything wey I for yan una. But all the same we thank God say in less
than one week we go dey see our families at least for two weeks. Well even if
we go house e no mean say we go put God for one side Oh! Make we still carry on
with him work even fof house because him blessings no be part time blessings so
una better work full time for God. Sha nothing much to tell una but to say safe
journey back to una various homes and happy easter in advance. Success to the
people wey still get exam and remember God loves You and OPC care scatter.
opc you aguys are wondaful....this is the true manifestation of greater exploits!!!!GOD BLESS YOU