Thursday, 20 December 2012

Red – to –White Sunday

                                                           {Isaiah 1:18}
The Blood is an indispensible liquid that functions in the body as a sure source of life. A life without  the blood is a lifeless entity. From the beginning of time the blood has being the symbol of covenant {Gen 9:6}. It has being the covenant requirement for ensuring that a sacrifice is accepted. In spiritual realm, no sacrifice or atonement is made outside the use of the blood {Heb 9:22}. Therefore it is important to understand the workings and mystery behind the blood of Jesus. Until you understand spiritual mysteries, you cannot attain mastery.
            How can blood wash a substance until its white as snow? That is the mystery behind the blood. The process of transformation in any life begins with the washing of the blood. The sanctification process is strengthened by the means of the covenant blood of the lamb. It was the shedding of the redemptive blood that ensured man’s salvation and redemption from satanic claws of the enemy {Heb 9:11-13}. The believers can get hold of His sons ship right by means of this process of reconciliation. Anything is possible in the realm of the operation of the blood. Curses are broken, deliverance is effected, protection is guaranteed by means of the covering of His blood. But first, you must get hold of the source of the blood to enjoy the FORCE behind the BLOOD.
            Living in the blood, assures you of victory over the flood of life {Psalm 72:16} the covering of the blood is the believers greatest shield against the snares of the evil. When I see the blood, I will pass over. It is life in the blood that creates a mark of exemption-
            People (believers) under the covering of the blood become no – go areas to satanic manipulations. There exist an invisible web that follows them through the course of their life. This reflects in them as they become over comers in all spheres of life. It is also important for us to understand that there are two major functions of the blood:-
1.      The communion of the blood
2.      The sprinkling of the blood.
This two functions are the believers tool in redemption and reversing the irreversible.
            The only way to enjoy the covering of the blood is a life in Christ. A life in Christ assures you of freedom and protection. So join  me as we express the amazing mystery of the blood.


As Christians growing up spiritually its very necessary. Just as a builder starts with foundation and goes on to build the main building we as believers have to have a strong foundation and keep moving on until we attain a certain level of maturity spiritually.
A Christian must make up his/her mind to go on with God and grow up with God, learn the deep, high and lofty things of God. As Christians we should determine to go higher and not remain as babies. Christians should hunger for more spiritually, engage in spiritual exercises, pray and meditate more on God’s word not just being the church goers.
To attain maturity we have to make up our minds, put away un Christ things, be preoccupied with the scriptures and be ready to take up your cross. To grow in Christ we have to experience and get acquainted with Him with the intensity of love such as our fathers know. Just as Paul did we must know that it costs to know and serve Jesus Christ, Paul said “Not only the things that are bad have I given up; but what things were given to me those I counted loss”. We must learn to give up things in our life that are not in accordance with God’s will and plan for us.
We must not have “treasures” that touch our heart so much that comes between us and God, for He is a jealous God. In as much as He wants the best for us and provides all we ask for, He is ready to take it all back when it comes between our effective service to Him.
When we make do with everything external we also have to search inwardly and clear out our temple for “He’s a jealous lover and He suffereth no rivals”. We should not ask God to make us anything but we should first seek Him and ask Him to take His place in our hearts.
To be spiritually successful first we have to
-          Magnify God, we have to see Him big knowing He is all in all. God is greater than anything that can be said about Him, nothing anybody can say about Him is enough. As a child of God, if God is not the biggest thing in the world to you, you have not started yet.
-          Mortify the flesh, put aside everything in you that God frowns at.
-          Simplify your life, we should live in the centre of our life where we will find God. We should know the important things in our life and dispose the others.
A Christian is one who sustains a right relationship to Jesus Christ and this relation is of two kinds; Judicial and Vital.
Judicial relationship is the father and child relationship, while the vital relationship involves us united to Jesus Christ by the power and motions of life so that we are vitally related to Him. A typical example is thus: John 15:5a “I am the vine, ye are the branches” here the life of the vine is the branches and the life the branch comes from the vine. Our relationship includes volitional, intellectual and emotional.
            After growing in Christ we learn to live holy lives and there are certain rules to this.-
-          Venerate all things: we need to love everything that God created. In all we do and everywhere we find ourselves we ought to see nothing but God.
-          Esteem all men: knowing that everyone was created in the image and likeness of Him. We are to esteem all men not for what they are, but for what they can be by the blood of the lamb and renewal of the Holy Spirit.
-          Love the Brotherhood: this means the brotherhood of redeemed souls related by a higher life than the flesh.
-          Fear God: fear is not “be afraid of” it means “astonished reverence”. The man who knows God knows the fountain and source of everything.
-          Honour the King: since we esteem all men because of their human hood, because they were made in the image of God, we honor the king as a king because the king derives His royal honour from the exalted worth of men he rules.
As believers if we make our living on earth to be something that we won’t give up and hang unto, it would get in our way and we would loose ourselves in that.
If you are a Christian, and you are getting older in God, you ought to be getting nearer to God and God ought to be becoming to you more and more, and other things less and less.                         


There are so many people whose hearts have been broken in one way or the other. Either by friends, family or other loved ones. You cannot complain of a heart break unless the person in question means something to you. The heart signifies trust. This means someone or something you trusted disappointed you.
A heartbreak is painful because it has great way of distabilizing you. In a heartbreak, you must lose something: either your time, money or other act of sacrifice. Now the question is: HOW DO WE GET THROUGH WITH A HEART BREAK?
Everything you need in life is in the Bible- Psalm 147:3 : “ He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.” So you see, God does not only heal sickness and diseases but also heals heart break. God cares about every important and unimportant details of your life. The more you spend time with God, the more you spend time with God, the more He fixes you up. This is not a time to make careless decisions on your own. It is a time to be with God. It is a time to be with God, it is a time to dwell more in the presence of God.
The presence of God is the only place by weakness or your weakness can die. If there is anyone who cares to hear every bit of how you feel and what have gone through: It is God:
Secondly, this is not a time to keep explaining and telling people and friends over and over again. ‘No’, that only re-opens the wounds when you talk about your future. You grow into it.

The Organised Press Crew loves you but God loves much more!
   Girl on the Shelf
If I say I lost a friend, you may say here she comes again, but I did and if we had powers, we could have presented this. Anyway some would say ‘its just bank exeat’, some others would say ‘just  a phone’ and others would say ‘just a phone’ and others would say ‘just a hit’...just a ..., just... but the thing remains this; we lost another soul and through this a message was passed across;
I cannot say I really, really, really knew him but I can say this; ‘The grave is very rich’ for death took a gentle man, a responsible contemporary youth, a brilliant  student and an individual with a great personality. Death took someone’s love, someone’s brother and someone’s friend. Death did not just take him- it sure took something along with its victim.
Now when it comes to grief and grieving, we are all asked to move on but the question I want to put to you is this;
How do we move on when we are not sure of the deceased destination- is it heaven or hell? How does one make good opportunities lost, correct mistakes made when the deceased was still alive? Or How do one more on when the deceased was the center of their world? Or How do one move when the deceased...
As the excuses, we give for justifying the death are senseless, so are these questions for we will always be haunted by these now bitter- sweet memories.
Looking at it from the Christ- like view he may have lived or existed (its between him and his creator), he might have lived a moral life but if he did not know Christ, that means His stay here was  worthless. He might touch lives, left a legacy and all but without knowing Christ on all but without knowing Christ on a personal level He cannot proclaim this: “To live is Christ and to die is gain.”
So as such he and only he can answer the question before the judgement seat an get the due reward he deserves...
Let us all run the race, set before us with all diligence, working out our salvation with fear and trembling. Let us all let aside every sin that does easily beset us. Let us flee from all youthful lusts let us endeavour to enter into that straight gate for narrow is the way that leads to life eternal. Let us look for that city. Let us look for that city whose builder and maker is God. Let us all come to the living God, to the church of the first born, to the righteous one. Above all else let us endeavour to preach the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Side Note:
To all hid friends who truly loved and tried to encourage him in his Christian walk, I say this; you may have personal regrets, disappointments failures, missed opportunities, annoying moments to plant a seed and some might have tried to water but its God that gives the increase. He was dear to you but you do not love him and you never would have loved him the way his creator loves him. So my brethren, on behalf of OPC and 400level students of the Faculty of Law; we pay our respects to our departed respected learned senior colleague. WE LOVE YOU BUT GOD LOVES YOU MUST

          Una good morning oo... I welcome una to this ogbonge week of tatafoor korner. How unaa weekend?? I believe say e fine abi. Sha we thank God becaus say we dey alive to see another new beginning. As usual our work na to tell una wetin happen during the week wey be sy everybody no been know about.
            As of Monday, we know say na the regular school activities dey  happen for school(Olympics) and as e be so, many people jes dey participate to win the ultimate prize. E good sha as many people dey involve them selves.
            As of Tuesday hmmm.... bank exeat for boys but gbege come burst out as one of the finalist for law come get accident, the boy name na Emmanuel Etape. The real gist behind the matter we never know but wetin we know be say the 500level under graduate come die early morning Wednesday for one hospital wey we never know the name. Personally I no know the brother but as I hear say this soon to be graduate don die, the thing pain me enter my bone I no go lie. Him course mates talk say the boy know book well well and him be member of MAWASA as one of their very best. But as e be so, water don pass garri and brother Emma no with us again.
            Even say you know Emma or you no know Emma, I go like make una take this matter take check una self. Life as them talk no get duplicate and as e be say na only one e suppose matter well to us. But as youths na only to “explore” and “jaye” or “enjoyment” n aim full our head. E mma fit don fufill him purpose or not but na only God fit talk am. If to say him know say death dey wait outside him for prevent am but as e dey so we no know wetin tomorrow fit bring so I go advice say make we use this opportunity come close to God so that him go direct us. John 15:15 don talk am say him no go call us servants again because everything wey him don learn from him father, him don teach us. So as per say him be our friend we go fit tell am to help us and him go help us.

 We get one special person for our midst today. I know say una go happy well well to see am because I happy no be small. I no go tell una make una use una eye find am among the “elders”. We from tatafoor corner dey wish una long life and God’s mercy and protection until next week, remain blessed. GOD LOVES YOU!!!


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