Distinguishing Yourself
For Honour
When this theme came to us, I wondered
what God had in mind. With a flashback of my experience of two pat Prayer Days-
2010/ 2011 prayer day with the theme “Knowing your place in God” and 2011/2012
prayer day with the theme “The Grace to Fie Daily Is To Be Rapturable” and now
2012/2013 prayer day with the theme “Distinguishing Yourself For Honour” I got that an understanding that even as the church has been able to know their place in God in 2010, and have also been able to die daily in 2011. Now it is time for the church (PFM) to reign her place of honour that the devil stole. In all God is out to do something new PFM so do not miss out of it let it begin or start from you. To as many that key into this service and theme will be blessed and above all. HONOURED STAY CONNECTED.
-Prayer Force Assistant Leader
Text: 2Cor 6:17-18, 2Tim 2:19-22
M/v: 2Tim 2:21
Objective: To enlighten people on the major key which is righteousness which will help distinguish people for honour both in the kingdom and on earth.
Introduction: Honour means great respect and admiration.
Distinguishing yourself to be outstanding, different etc.
Now distinguishing yourself for honour simply means separating yourself from the world thereby being a daughter or son of the kingdom. The primary way of distinguishing yourself for honour is by pleasing God and this can only be done by living a righteous life e.g Noah (Gen 7:1). It is also necessary to know that honour is gotten from God and it is seen in the life of a child of God, anything outside God cannot bring honour but rather vain glory.
1. Be born again (2Cor 5:17)
2. Make decision to distinguish yourself for honour (Dan 1:8)
3. Separate yourself from people and things that will bring you down (2Cor 6:17-18, 1Cor 5:37)
4. Humility (Pro 18:12b)
5. Be a word a prayer addict (2Tim 2:15a, Matt 21:22)
6. Yield yourself to the spirit of God (Rom 8:14)
7. Believe God is in you and speak positive things (mindset) (Pro 18:21, Pro 23:79)
1. You will have God’s favour e.g: Abraham, Daniel
2. You become a role model
3. You become a son or daughter of the kingdom (2Cor 6:18)
4. You receive God’s blessing on every side because you are a child of the kingdom (Ps 1:1-3
5. Above all you become honourable (2Tim 2:21)
1. Unstable mind i.e indecisive (James 1:7-8)
2. Sin i.e refusing to let go of sin.
3. Friends and negative influence. (1Cor 15:33)
CONCLUSION: In all distinguishing yourself for honour according to the message, table paraphrased (Rom 12:1), let your everyday life, your, eating, your drinking, sleeping etc give glory to God. When this is done then you shall receive honour. Christianity is not a religion it is a life style so put on the life style of Christianity (Righteousness and Holiness)
Distinguishing yourself
for honour centres on righteousness and holiness. That is the only way to
attain great respect or honour before God and man. We can spend eternity
talking about the benefits of making the decision to be separate for the sake
of Christ and still not exhaust it. “blessed is the man who walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly...” {psalm
We have heard and
experienced the goodness of God on several occasions in our various lives and
this sometimes makes us view God as too merciful to punish us for our mistakes.
Indeed, God is merciful and even in our
unfaithfulness, He remains faithful but in as much as God is a merciful God He
is also a consuming fire. Christianity anchors on having a right stand with God
at all times and because this is impossible due to our human nature, Christ
came and died so as to give us the gift of righteousness. Therefore, when we
accept Christ, we receive the gift of righteousness but there is need for
decision to stay away from sin as this is direct command from God 2 Timothy
There is no middle
ground on the spirit realm because, you are either for God or against Him, you
are either separate or last in the crowd. As humans, we have the tendency to
want to do what others are doing; we want
to wear what is in rogue, have all the latest gadgets like blackberry phones, I
pads etc but today the message is “stand out, or you would be lost in the
world.” We have to make a deliberate effort to not do things just because
others are doing it, but to be separate and to stand for righteousness so that
you can attain great respect before God and man.
What we may ask
ourselves is How can a person be lost in the crowd and how do I know that I am
lost in the crowd? And when the kingdom of light and the kingdom of darkness do
not recognise your voice then you are lost; when you are still a slave to sin
and you still find it hard to do the right things just because its the right
thing then you are lost. I can go on and on but the summary is “if you are not
righteous then you are lost” and when you are lost you can never attain honour
and you can never fulfil destiny.
In conclusion, today
being prayer day 2012, let us make a decision to stand out, to separate
ourselves regardless of what anyone thinks or says. Decide in your heart that
no matter what happens; you will please God. And remember that if you please
God you have pleased everyone; because its written that “if a man pleases God,
He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him”.
As we make this
decision God will lift us to levels we never dreamed possible.
The Bible in Matthew
24:44 tells us that the son of man Is coming at an hour we do not expect. The
question is ; Are you prepared? Heaven is one of God’s expected end- It is
destiny fulfilled.
Beloved Isaiah 35:8
calls the pathway (the Chrisitian life) a pathway of holiness where no unclean
thing shall pass.
Sweet heart I am asking
you, how is your garment? Leading a holy life is not an option, it is a
command. 1 Petr 1:16 says ‘be thou holy even as thy heavenly father is.’
Without holiness no one shall God.
Then you may ask, “can I be holy?”
Yes you can. You can be
God our father will
never give His child that he dearly loves a task that is more than the child’s
Matthew 5:6 says
blessed are those who thirst and hunger for righteousness for they shall be
satisfied. Some versions have it as
‘filled’. Beloved earnestly desire it. God honours His word. He does not blab
or bluff.
Do not forget my dear
that by strength shall no man prevail.
So rest completely on God. Phil 4:13- I can do all things through Christ who
strengthens me. II Corinthians 9:8 says God is able to make all graces abound
at all times to do every good work.
Get your lamp prepared
wit enough oil while the bride groom still delays. Strive to live everyday in
holiness: Do not just pretend that you love others. Really love them. Hate that
which is wrong. Stand on the side of God. Never be lazy in your work but serve
God enthusiastically. Have faith in God. For Faith does not limit God and God
does not limit faith.”
The grace to die daily
to be rapturable. Do all things to the glory of God even your eating and
drinking 1 Corinthians 10:31.
II Corinthians 13:5
tell us tell us to examine ourselves if we still be in the faith. For the
foundation of the Lord stands bearing the seal. The Lord knows those who are His and lets
everyone who names the name of the Lord depart from iniquity II Timothy 2:19
Heaven is real, strive
to enter the gate.
Follow Christ, Follow
Jesus he is the pathway of holiness John 14:16
Dearest, after three
days, one week, one month of desiring for holiness do not be discouraged if you
automatically see holiness in you.
It comes gradually, patience is a virtue. Let
us allow God to groom us gradually. Lord please give us this grace to live in
holiness, we pray in Jesus name.
Presently in school
things may be very hard for you, no money, school results are not getting
better, spill over students are on the increase and you may be affected with 24
credit unit limit. Yet we still go to church and sing, shout to the Lord and
lift up holy hands and read every promise in his word –
That notwithstanding, I
am putting pen to paper to encourage you that amidst these troubles, it doesn’t
change the fact that God is God anyway. Just continue blessing the Lord, tell
that through trials and temptation, struggles and hardship you have come with a
heart of worship. Thank Him for the gift of His son Jesus Christ, for the grace
to fight for battles. He sees your broken heart, He hears your broken spirit
and in every situation please still bless His name.
A sacrifice of praise
is not all that easy. Now, this is not a normal worship, you may want to jump
and shout for everyone to rejoice with you. But then, there is something about
praise and true worship, it should not only come when everything is seemingly
okay. So when you start to cry like your life is a mess, don’t be scared don’t
be discouraged it is only a test.
The Bible says that
everything work together for good for those who love God and are called
according to His purpose. Romans 8:28
Now you may say things
are not working for your good, but I tell you the totality of them will be
good. Gold passes through fire before it comes out pure. You may also ask am I
called according to His purpose? Do not forget in Hebrews 2:6-8 that God is
mindful of all of us that He created.
So amidst this not too
good situations, why don’t you lift your voice to the ears of God and release
sweet smelling savour from your alabaster box, singing bless ye the Lord, that
through your trials and struggles you have come with a heart of worship. Thank
Him for the gift of JESUS CHRIST and the unmerited grace to live.
Do not forget pure
praise comes from a pure heart and the Blood of Jesus is available to give you
a pure heart.
To be righteous is to
be characterized upright or morality right acting in an upright, an angelic
blameless, charitable, ethnical and commendable among all.
A righteous person
always survive and succeed in whatever he/she puts hand to do.
Genesis 7:1-6 recorded
how Noah and his household was saved from destruction. It was the righteousness
of Noah before the Lord that made him survive the flood that perished the earth
and Noah succeeded in living for six hundred years upon the surface of this
earth after the flood, we can also see that righteousness prolong life. A
righteous man prospers in whatever he/she does and inherit the kingdom of God.
Righteousness and
Holiness are the major ingredients of Christianity. Just as soup is tasteless
without salt so is Christian life worthless without righteousness. You must
hunger and taste for righteousness because without it no eye can see the Lord.
Oh! There is always a
reward attached to righteousness example is Noah, Daniel, Abraham etc. They
found favour in the eyes of the Lord and they were honoured by God and men. A
lot of people think that no one can live a righteous and holy life but am
telling you today that it is possible when ypu decide.
Here are the steps to
live a righteous life...
You be born again
Make a decision to live a righteous life
by pleasing God in everything you do. Daniel 8
Believe in God, have a strong faith in
God. Genesis 15:1-6
There is no
righteousness without faith in God. It is your faith and your believing in God
that is counted unto Abraham, as righteousness won’t you rather believe in God
today and receive your commendation of righteousness, without righteousness no
eye can see God. Righteousness goes with faithfulness.
Being faithful is doing
it right and accordingly and it amounts to righteousness.
Finally, it is love for
righteousness that makes man to be highly exalted with gladness above all his
As you embrace
righteousness today, God will exalt you above your fellows in Jesus name. Amen
For more enquiries
Genesis 30:29, Isaiah
3:10, Psalm 5:8-12, Proverbs 11:28-31, Proverbs 12:26, Hebrew 1:9.
Power means strength. The bible made me to understand that the Lord has
given us the strength to do all things. What is keeping us back? What has taken
away all our time and strength and has left nothing for God.
Today’s topic is “Distinguishing Yourself For Honour.” Let me ask you a
question, how do you distinguish yourself for honour? The answer is by living a
holy and a righteous life in love and peace, just as the Bible said in 2Tim
2:22 “Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts, instead pursue
righteous living, faithfulness, love and peace. Enjoy the companionship of
those who call the Lord with pure hearts.” But do we live in righteousness and
holiness? “by prayer.” What does prayer means? Prayer means communication,
laying down all your claims to power in and of yourself and relying on God’s
power to transform you.
It is only by the grace of God that we can live a holy and righteous
life. God’s most favourite three prayer word is “change me LORD.”
Prayer has the power to change our lives, it has the power to change
our situations and our reputation. Prayer has the power to automatically
connect us to God. Prayer has the power to transform our lives for the better.
I am going to be living you with a word today which is worrying changes
nothing but prayer can change everything. Become a prayer man and life will
never remain the same.
The beauty and worth of any relationship is not just about its
fantasies but about a mutual understanding of how to take responsibilities in
the relationship. For you to have a wonderful relationship something is needed
which is embodies in the acronym T.R.U.S.T.
God must
be the only legal and binding factor in your relationship;
Be ready
to take responsibility for your every action and do not point accusing fingers
to your partner for your faults;
Be an
active partner in your everyday life by taking initiatives to profer solution
to arising problems.
Be honest
to one another and do not live fake or false life style;
Talk to
each other about every reasonable topic and do not live in secrecy;
Learn to
forgive each other for mistakes made;
in each other’s dreams, aspirations and abilities so as to help encourage and
nurture it to maturity;
Learn to
live a sacrificial life of considering the needs of partner in your everyday
each other’s privacy as it is a right, do not intrude on your partner’s
Learn to
pray and encourage each other in God’s word;
places of positive interest together;
Learn to
control your emotions
attractive to each other in dressing;
Take time
to evaluate each other’s personal life’s to see if your being together is God’s
From the office of
the prayer force “PROPHETIC CHOIR” our song says LEAD ME O LORD IN YOUR
RIGHTEOUSNESS, LEAD ME O LORD IN YOUR LOVE. Our text is Psalm 5:7-8. It reads-
But by Great mercy will I come into your house: In reverence will I bow down
towards your holy temple.
For emphasis, Lead me
O Lord in Your righteousness because of my enemies; make straight your way before me. The message behind the song which is centered on
Righteousness, which is the key word in distinguishing oneself for honour as
the theme for 2012 prayer day can never be fulfilled when you are not led by
In other words,
Righteousness is the only way to disitinguishing oneself for honour. Someone
may ask How? Remember the says, without righteousness no man can see God.
You may be a prayer
warrior, when you pray you cast out demons
You may be a singer
who probably has all the skills in music
You may also be a
teacher with much insight about the Bible
To cut the whole story short, which ever
department you find yourself, you ought to distinguish yourself for honour. It
is not how well you it. But how right you are doing it to please God. My prayer
for us all is that may all our effort never be in vain and may heaven never be
a surprise afterall.
Once upon a time, all feelings and emotions went to a coastal island
for a vacation. According to this nature, each was having a good time.
Suddenly, a warning of an impending storm was announced and everyone was
advised to evacuate and leave the island. The announcement caused sudden panic.
All rushed to their boats even damaged boats were repaired and quickly
commissioned for duty yet love did not wish to flee quickly. There was so much
to do. But as the clouds darkened, love realised it was time to leave.
Alas, there were no boats to spare. Love looked around with hope, just
prosperity passed by in a luxurious boat, love shouted “prosperity
please could you take me in your boat?” “NO” replied prosperity, “my boat is
full of precious possessions , gold and silver.” There is no place for you. A
little later, vanity came by in a beautiful boat, again haughtily, “NO” I
cannot take you with me, my boat will get soiled with your muddy feet.
Sorrow passed by after sometime, again love asked for help but it was
to no avail. “NO I cannot take you with me, I am so sad, I want to be by
myself.” When happiness passed by a few minutes later, love again called for
help but happiness was so happy that it did not look around, hardly concerned
about anyone. Love was growing helpless and dejected. Just then somebody called
out “come love, I will take you with me.” Love did not know who was being so
magnanimous but jumped onto the boat, greatly relieved that she would reach a
safe place.
On getting of the boat, love met knowledge. Puzzled, love ignited
“knowledge do you know who so generously gave me a lift just when no one was
willing to help.” Knowledge smiled, “oh that was time.” And why would time stop
to take me to safety? “Love wondered.”
Knowledge smiled with deep wisdom and replied “because only time knows
your true greatness, importance and what you are capable of.” Only love can
bring peace and great happiness in this world. When you are prosperous, we
overlook love. When we feel important, we forget love. Even in happiness and
sorrow, we forget love. Only with time do we remember the importance of love.
Why wait long? Why not make love a part of your life today? No one knows what
tomorrow looks like, so love everyone that comes around you not minding the
race, tribe, religion and all that matters, and the world will be a better
Thenkan – Juliet – Turimy
500 level law.
{welfare sub unit}
There are three friends; Amaka, Uche and Faith who graduated from
Madonna University; accounting department. After their graduation the three
friends met on a particular day, coincidentally the three friends wrote an
application to the same First Bank Abuja.
Amaka and Uche went for the interview but they did not get the job,
Amaka decided to be a thief and Uche started prostitution leaving the righteous
life they were living before because they were unable to get the job. But faith
did not compromise, she continued in her belief and God honoured her with a
LESSON: We should learn not
to compromise our faith even in times of trouble, it is when you distinguish
yourself that you will be honoured.
Papa, I remember when u highlighted the objectives of the tenure and " taking OPC to the internect" being part of it. Today, am indeed thankful to God that through your focused acheivement of this goal, I have been a partaker of the Prayer force day 2012. A very big thanks to Mama hephzibah,your humble self Papa David, the press Crew executives and the entire OPC family. May God's love never cease in you all. I love you all. Sir, Living