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The President and Vice President of the PFM(Ambassadors of Jesus Christ Tenure) |
When a man looks at the
sights and sounds of his life, what is he supposed to see? Inevitably,
nostalgia saturates his heart. Just like a picture, the past holds stocks of
memories. Good and better times that progressively cascaded the path of life
and the walls of time.
For PFM, the past
threads up to the peak today with memories of light, miracles, happiness. As
inextricable as these are, PFM also shares times that seemed threatening and
As we recall the sights
of PFM. As we celebrate our Anniversary, we celebrate a Divine Friend and a
growing relationship God has with PFM evidenced by the pictures we have.
David Ikpo
The Council of Elders |
Is anyone fully grown up immediately he/she is born? Is
anyone fully grown up spiritually immediately he/she is born again? Is anyone
already perfected in love? If you ask me I would say I don’t think so, but
praise God we are born again Christians so therefore we are on our way.
Just as it is in humans to go through the stages of babyhood,
childhood, and manhood in the physical realm so it is in the spiritual realm,
we grow from stage to stage; we don’t become full grown Christians immediately
we become born again.
BABYHOOD: “as new born babes, desire
the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby” {1pet 2:2}
When we accept Christ as our personal
Lord and Saviour we immediately become new born babes in Christ. But unlike in
the physical where the mother of a child breastfeeds her new born babe even the
child did not desire it so as to make the child grow healthy and strong, we as
new born babes in Christ should always desire the sincere milk of the word
because it will make us grow and mature in the spiritual realm, for without it
we are babies still.
CHILDHOOD: “that we henceforth be no more children” {Eph 4:4}
When we desire the sincere milk of
the word with all humility we will grow, and when we grow we leave the stage of
babyhood and move to another stage “childhood”
Children as we all know in the
natural are unsteady, unreliable, impatient, and impressionable. Spiritual children
equally are like that, they do something themselves unlike the babyhood stage
where everything is done for the baby.
MANHOOD: The spiritual man is one who has passed
the stages of babyhood, childhood and thus becomes a man.
Three characteristics of spiritual
man includes
a. Esteeming earthly things lightly
b. Deadness to censure
c. Ability to recognise God at work.
When we have passed through these
stages, another thing you must do is to work with your heavenly father {Matt
6:25-34} this will help you to mature because you still can be a spiritual man
but yet you are not matured.
Walking also in love is important to
getting fully grown {Rom 5:5} just imagine one growing without love. It is all
worthless because once the love is not there the zeal won’t be there and if the
zeal is not there am not sure if you can be fully grown spiritually.
For those that think that they are fully grown spiritually i.e.
being a man in the spiritual realm remember that children have never been good
listeners but know that they are the best imitators in this life so be careful
of what you do because they watching
The Executives of PFM |
having looked at life from a spiritual Christian’s point of view, I concluded
that life and the entire luggage it brings with it can never be overcome and
understood by a man who has no spiritual background. There are various things
beyond our comprehension that a devout Christian should, in his prayers, commit
into the “Arms of God” which, according to our belief as Christians, all
problems are solved, shortcomings are forgiven and life becomes easier to live.
In the “Arms of God” we are provided with a cushion of
peace, away from all iniquities of life. A man who dwells in the arms of god
tends to view life from a different perspective. He is cheerful, even when life
seems to be a hard knock because he believed that with faith his problems are
going to be over.
Travelling on the drive way of life and staring at the world
through my rear mirror, the saying, that “things that often seem nice from afar
are usually far from nice” gradually become a reality to me, I say this because
people of our generation are beginning to lose sight and their belief in God
but always come to worship on Sabbath day for different reasons. Some are there
because they are compelled to and some because of their various material
purpose. This is a very strong and dangerous parasite that has been eating its
way into the spiritual life of youngsters of our time. Some are seriously
waiting for a miracle to convince them that there is really a God, neglecting
the fact that the air they breathe is a gift of life from God.
These entire God has done for us without asking for
anything. In this thriving days that we live in, hope is like the great flood
of the old and in the nearest of future,
we are going to see our rainbow which is our salvation, here to lead us away
from sin and all short comings into the caring, providing and secure “Arms Of
The female leaders |
On the
PFM! PFM! With the great sights and sounds. PFM
with the tears and pains. Ha! PFM...
PFM was founded in the year 1999. Her journey
so far has not been an easy one. She has seen her leaders suspended. She has
seen her leaders ridiculed, mocked...She heard the scandals, listened to the
gossips and hushed whisperings. She watched and listened but most of all
She prayed for and with her people. She
prayed when they were in pains. She fasted and laboured for them like a woman
in travail of birth pains so that Christ is formed in her people. She kicked
against Luke warmness and warned the unruly. She prophesied, spoke in tongues, testified,
taught, sang and danced with her people.
PFM! She laboured so much to present herself
without stain and blemish. She worked so hard that most times she never had the
strength to walk with Him. She wanted so much to please her maker by her acts
of service but often times forgot what it was to let Him be her shepherd. She
forgot what it was to lean on His Grace but at the same time wanted to drink
from that fountain of living water. I mean so hard she fell most times but her
maker never forgot her.
It will be wrong of me not to talk about the
times she sang and danced. The time she was so filled with her maker’s love- so
content to stay in His Presence that she forgot that time was running. Or are
we apt to forget the days her departments complemented each other with blissful
and beautiful programs, exhortation etc. Neither would we forget the times she
graduated her students...
PFM is us for we are God’s living stones
being built by God to complement each other. PFM is that love shed abroad in
our hearts. The ‘F’ in PFM signifies the close intimacy and fellowship with
each other and God. PFM signifies the
close intimacy and fellowship with each other and God. PFM is the sum total of
the pain we share and the love we express. And at this point, we stay WELCOME
TO ALL OUR BELOVED MARCH SUPPLEMENT STUDENT, we certainly missed your beautiful
students at the event |
Create the Habit of Success
There are different people with different habits. Habits can
be said to be what we do often and consistently. Anything that is done often
for like three weeks automatically becomes a bad habit.
When we consistently do things that are right and good, then
success in our life cannot be prevented. Your success is tied up with your good
Success is the favourable outcome of anything attempted. Your
attempt is what guarantees your success. Everyone is endowed with success on
earth, but the difference between the ordinary man and a successful man is
based on the basis of the kind of attempts they make. One of the outstanding
ways to make success is through determination. Success is all about overcoming
obstacles and remaining unshaken in all spheres of life, which means you
missing out in the path of successful performance.
There are so many outstanding ways to success, they include:
Labour is the starting point of success; when you labour to
be a success, you shall certainly become successful for everyone’s work to be
perfectly completed labour must be done. Life is designed in such a way that
before you can obtain success and become distinguished in life you must pass
through this school of thought called LABOUR.
One way to become an achiever and leaving a foot print that
will stand the test of time is the act of developing the mind of creativity. I
bet you, this is an easy access to the gate of success.
Most people erect their own barrier to success. He can who
thinks he can, he cannot: he who thinks he can’t. Your God given and utilized
potential is a hidden giant that needs to be stirred up for achievement. ‘I
cannot’ has never accomplished anything; “I can try” might manage to attain
success in the average. But ‘I can’ will always excel with great achievement.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Phil 4:13). Begin to
develop ‘I can’ attitude in responding to all your challenges. You will realize
that with God all things are possible.
Happy Birthday!!!
Lord, we give you praise
Lord, we believe it is all about you
Everyday thank you for Mercies all
Lord, we give you praise
For making us hear this joyful sound
in you
Loving you, trusting you as all we
Oge ya ka chanma
Oge ya ka chanma
Igba Olorun lo dara ju
Igba Olorun lo dara ju
Uni Abasi Ofon
Ini Ini Abasi Ofon
good morning oooo!!! this na another weekend and thkis na tatafoor koner. I
hope say all of una sleep well because me I sleep well sotey I no wan get up
from my bed but I come remember say today na Sunday and I suppose wake up prepare
for service but that one no mean say I
no throway salute give baba God wey make am possible to see this Sunday
usual our own now to drop wetin happen during the week both known and unknown
so as e be, I go like start with Monday. Una kno say small truth dey dey inside
every story wey students dey carry. I hear say bank exeat don turn once a
month. Abeg who fit tell me the reason behind this gist/ me I no know why them
no go leave matter for mathias but all I wan know na why them come change this kind thing.
Monday to Thursday nothing na the usual thing follow body as e be no new
development come up. Everything still correct until Friday wey I dey chill for
hostel one of my course mate just show come tell me say another of my cousemate
don mud this morning due to sickness. I been really no knw the girl sha but
whei I see her picture I realize say she be one of our very own(PFM) and she
been dey drama department. Her death pain me sake of say the girl no get
wahala, she dey very friendly and lovable. The girl name na Chiamaka and may
her soul rest in peace.
Saturday show na workers meeting oh!!!.some of our leaders for enugu and elele campus come visit us and
they really bless us with their message. We thank God for the successful meeting.
people nothing we get say but abeg make we try dey always pray for
ourselves,family, friends and people around us because as we talk last week,
“life no get duplicate” and also as
bible talk for john 15:15 say another way to know say baba God don call us his”
friends”in stead of stewards make we
talk to jour “friends”because na only am fit see us through our life.
na dey small tatafoo wey we organize press crew give una last week about P.F.M
13th anniversary wey the theme na “HE IS WORTHY OF OUR PRAISE”. I
believe say una wear una blazing whitr because today na today we go give God
all the praise. I compliment my own with my dancing shoe sef.we talk am na,
make experience remain the same until we come una way again next week. Until
then we from Tatafor korner say we love you and OPC (organize press crew)
Tatafor Korner
A cross section of the male leaders |
is a principle that cannot be broken till tomorrow “Colossians 3:18”, it is the
responsibility of the woman to submit to her husband and not the other way
round. When your husband is submitting to you at home know that there s someone
that is submitting to him somewhere, doing the responsibilities you ought to be
doing and giving him all respect he wants.
PRINCIPLE 2: This principle cannot and will never be
broken “Colossians 3:19” to the husband when you take advantage of your wife’s
submissive nature and see it as foolishness; you leave them no option than to
be bitter and rebel against you. It is your duty to love the wonderful woman
that God has placed in your home to beautify it, when this is done you will see
that she will give you all the respect you are craving for.
PRINCIPLE 3: Woman, know your role in a relationship
with your spouse likewise the men. The role of the woman is to submit no matter
what; now the devil has come to understand that if the women remain submissive
in their home it will be a happy place and there will not be broken marriages
and single parents, so he has put this in them i.e. the woman to want to be in
charge of everything and by doing this scandal will arise which will lead to
divorce. A secret all women need to know is that “when you are submissive to
your husband or man what so ever you ask of him, he gives because you are making
him feel like the boss of a very big company which is his home”.
PRINCIPLE 4: “Ephisians5:25”, the love that Christ
had for the church was so great that he could sacrifice himself for the world.
Now this question goes to you to you the husbands, can you sacrifice? If yes
then you are working in accordance with the principle of love that Christ has
set for us; but if no, you don’t love or care about your wife. Jesus Christ
actually loved the church more than himself that is why he could give his life
for us to have eternal life. So husband give your wife all she needs, make
sacrifices for her to live long in the marriage that God has placed the two of
you making the place peaceful.
is all summed up to one saying “wives submit and husbands love your wife” from
this point you will see love growing with the submission she is giving you
sincerely from her heart without stress.
by it and your marriage will leave long