TEXT: PSALM 149:145, 5:147
In being a part of this, you must first be born again, you
must accept Christ into your heart, then let Him lead you. Your life is a
living sacrifice unto God, you must surrender yourself totally to God. In
journeying with God, you no longer have a will, you are dead to yourself, God
is now your master, where ever He tells you to go that is where you will go. In
life God is in charge because He controls everything, both what we can see and
what we don’t see.
Thus in revealing the Glorious honor of His Majesty there is
an acceptable way or manner through which its done. You don’t just do it in any
way, search the scriptures, communicate with the Holy – Spirit and He will give
you a clear direction.
Through singing (Ministration)
Through our praise and worship
Through preaching the world of God to people
(soul winning)
Through our life style.
Revealing the
Glorious honor of His Majesty
Text: Psalm 145:5, 6,
11, 12, 21, 149:1-6, Isaiah 43:57, Rev 4:11
“Reveal” means to show something that could not be seen. It
also means making known to people what was hidden like a secret to no longer be
a secret.
There are two ways to glorify or to give glory to something
or someone. The first is by making that thing or person glorious, to impact or confer
glory so as to make him or her glorious in ways that in otherwise would not be,
God has done this in the way that He has created mankind.
“What is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man
that you visit him? For you have made him a little lower than the angel, and
you have crowned him with glory and honor” (Psalm 8:4-5). God’s people can make
His praise glorious.
The second way is by acknowledging, declaring and valuing
the glory that is there. It is magnifying glory that is already possessed. This
is what the heavens do. They “declare the glory of the Lord” (Psalm 19:1).
This is what we are called to do when the scripture
admonishes us to glorify God.
God u too much (3x)
You too good too me
Elu, ele, elu, elu ooooo
Bulie Jesus elu
Elu oooooooooo
Masoyina, I am grateful Nagode
Masoyina, Kayisa Yabo
Jesu Ya seke seke mi
Okun o so mi da laga
Eyer ije biye
Loti raw mi pada
Message behind
In this message, we are meant to understand that God has
been good to us in the good times and bad times and He still remains good. We
must be grateful to God in everything we do. We must always learn to see the
good things God has done for us and thank Him for it. I end this message by
saying that no matter what we are facing or passing through God still remains a
good and faithful God.
Withholding Nothing
I surrender all to you
Everything I give to you
Withholding nothing
I will give you all of me (8x)
King Jesus my savior, forever
I will give you all of me (2x)
I will give you all of me (2x)
Withholding nothing (2x)
Message behind ministration
In this message, we are meant to undersatand that when we surrender all to Him He takes
care of us. The word of God made understand that we should present our body as
a living and acceptable sacrifice to Him. It should be less of us and more of
Him in us. We should learn to allow Jesus to ride on us and let Him drive us to
our purpose. We should not withhold anything from Him, everything we should
give unto Him. We should make our lives a home for God to stay and dwell in. we
must understand that we do not have the power to take care of our life, only
God does.
In conclusion make yourself nobody to God for Him to make
you somebody…
Theme: Revealing The Glorious Honor Of His Majesty
The entire essence of man’s being is to reveal the awesome
glory of God. The bible says in Heb 1:3 that Jesus is the express image of the
father. 1John 4:17b on the other hand says “as He is, so are we in this world”.
Jesus started something here on earth and gave us the abilities, the power and
the Holy Spirit and to continue from where He stopped and even do greater. What
Jesus constantly did was to show the glory of God. Jesus told Philip in John
14:9 “if you, have seen me, you have seen the father”. That should be the state
of everyone who possesses Jesus as Lord and personal savior and believers in
the heart. Therefore my life should be an expression of the beauty of God, the
splendor, the love of
God, His mercy and His unending kindness.
The life a Christian live paints the picture his neighbor
has of God (Matt 5:16) let your light so shine before men that they may see
your good works and glorify your father in Heaven. Your light brings glory to
God, the good things that come out of your relationship with God makes the
perception someone else has of God more beautiful.
As Christians, as believers, who are in a relationship, and
not a religion, we must break free of whatever that holds us back and walk into
the life where we shine just like God, talk just like God, think like Him and
show His glory in all our affairs.
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