DAY 2014
The service was started with the opening prayer at about
7:50am by the erstwhile papa of sanctuary department Papa Tobi.
After which there were series of presentation by both past
and present members of sanctuary department which included drama. Praise and
worship followed immediately.
A talk show came up, which was on “Tips of Living a Prepared
The message/sermon was concluded by a previous leader of Sanctuary department Papa Chimezie.
The service came to an end at about 9:48am after much
admonishing from the Bishop of the fellowship and the vice – president of the
for the day
The track record
of God`s Almightiness shows that truly nothing can be difficult for him. All we
need to do is to leave everything
to God.
God has unlimited power and resources. If you focus on God
as the author and finisher of your
faith, then be free to make a
request to God, he will not fail you because he can never fail.
According to a Chinese proverb,if you want to revenge you
must dig two graves.
Forgiveness is the act of not blaming somebody for all the
the wrong that he/she has done for you.
When a person goes on a mission or revenge missionhe/she
brings more harm or bloodshed
Forgiveness is the best revenge,Drop-flat revenge plan.Life
is short.Revenge is not worth seeking.
According to Romans 12;17,12;19 and it says ‘’recompense to
no man evil for evil,provide things honest in the sight of all
men,Beloved,never avenge yourselves but leave it to the wrath of God,For it is
written Vengeance is His duty,why are you taking His duty?
When Joseph was released from prison,why did he not go after
his brothers or Mrs.Potiphar on a revenge mission.
Anyone who seeks vengeance is very weak,I want you to check your heart and forgive any man or woman who has offended you or you may have offended and make a space
in your heart and forgive that person.
Text :-Isaiah 40:31
INTRODUCTION:- The advanced
learners dictionary defined patience as the ability to accept delay,trouble or
suffering without been angry or upset.
Patience can also be the ability
to endure after a situation that might be over-bearing,regards to our Christian
life patience in the things of life because you started to gain a lot.
You as a Christian what is that
situation that you are running out of patience, have you spoken to God about
it? If you have then you just wait patiently,no matter how rough it seems to
be,how bad it is, just know that God is watching and will restore your joy
Know this today “A rusty morning
does not signify a cloudy day”.
Run your race without delay,with patience because if
you miss the process you will miss the promise.Never envy people in
life,whatever that belongs to you will surely come to you.All that Heaven has
destined for you must get you.In case of David,despite all the battle ,did he
not eventually become king,1 SAMUEL 5:1-10.In conclusion I purge you today to
be calm and peaceful,have no more pain against time and fate for your own will
come to you Psalm 24:14.
The level of decadence in the
world these last days are on the increase, just as predicted in the Bible
Matt.24:12. There is a widespread acceptance of degenerate behaviors just as
the bible said it would be (2 Tim.3:1-8). believers that are still here on earth
,seeing and hearing all these evil on a daily basis, no doubt has a
responsibility of ensuring they operate on a very high spiritual voltage. A
believer at a low spiritual voltage level risks being overwhelmed by the moral
and spiritual current of the world with the potential of being swallowed up by
the same.
The current situation demands that
you as a child of God must be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might
(Ephesians 6:10-13). You must therefore ensure spiritual discipline of prayers,
Romans 12:12. Apply self discipline in everything, regular fellowship so as to
operate on a high voltage.

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