Topic: Renewing Your Covenant
Text: Exodus
9:8-17; Genesis 6:18; Psalms 89:34; Jeremiah 33:20-21
A covenant is an agreement between two or more persons of
both equal and unequal status. It can also be a contract, vow between two or
more people or blood sealed with life. When one is in a covenant it involves so
many commitment for it to be activated into reality.
As Christians we are into a covenant with God. God being the
covenant that’s the head/ supreme builder of the covenant and the other
being the coventee that’s the
beneficiary of the covenant. There is no stronghold or force in the kingdom of
God that is greater than the force of a covenant, which deals with life and
death. God is so commitment to his own part of the covenant that he cannot
break it. God’s part of the deal is so strong and constant that he said, “My
covenant will not break, no alter the thing that is gone out of my
lips.”(Psalms 89:34)
It now lies in our own part is fulfil our own part of the
deal. We have to understand something that for every scripture, there are conditions
that are required for its accomplishment, these conditions must be met or done
in order for the promises to be converted into covenant, this means that we
have to do all according to what God has asked us to do in order for his
promises to be transformed into a covenant. Being in a covenant there are a lot
of things that counts which can be misunderstood if not clearly informed. If
one has to partake in God’s covenant world of signs and wonders one has to be
born-again and coming to God through His son Jesus Christ. “ Jesus said, I am
the way, the truth and the life. No one comes unto the father but by me.”(John
You have to be in Christ so that you can be qualified to
enjoy His rich heritage. One cannot be an inheritance to a family he does not
belong to, that rightfully applies to the kingdom of God. One cannot partake in
the inheritance of God’s kingdom if he does not believe in Christ and be a new
creation in Christ.
Abraham was in a covenant with God, and was bound to God. God
established His covenant with Him because of His complete compliance to the
words of God. (Genesis 12: 1-3; 17:2-8).
When Abimelech took Sarah, God told him to send back Sarah to Abraham
because Abraham is a covenanted son of God, this shows that as God covenant
Abraham has the same belonging to God as what belongs to God also belongs to
Noah was also in a covenant with God that he was saved from
earthly destruction by flood. God established His covenant with him that he
should build an ark of covenant to prevent him and his descendants from
destruction and after that God mad a covenant with him that never again will
flood bring such destruction and God used a sign of Rainbow as a representative
to the fact that He will keep his covenant with Noah.(Genesis 9:9-17)
Covenant connotes blood which symbolises the effective powers
of a covenant, the only thing that can break a blood covenant is death. When a
covenant is sealed with life, it involves blood and that blood which Jesus
Christ shed as a covenant of new blood. This brings us to the Mosaic covenant
or old covenant which is in the old testament and has been placed upon a stone
based in the land which must be taught with a legal relationship with God,
while the new covenant which is also called the Messianic covenant has been
placed on people’s heart based on desire to love God and serve God, known by
all with a personal relationship with God. (Matthew 26: 28;; Luke 22:20)
Topic: Praises
that provokes results
Text: Joshua 6, Acts 16:25
Praises is heartfelt gratitude to God for what He has done.
It should however be noted that praises is not merely an action, but an inbuilt
passion for thanksgiving. As ambassadors of Christ, we should engage all necessary
avenue to produce the result (Kingdom results). A life of praise keeps us
ablaze. It puts us in the fore-front of our kingdom rights; Praises strengthen
the enforcement.
We must remember that praises forms part of God’s main plan
for man. 1 Peter 2:9. We were called and formed to show forth His praises. Only
men that understand Praises move God into action while prayer calls His
attention to a situation. We praise God also for his mighty power. (Psalm
Joshua was a man that understood this basic principle of
praise and he led Israel to many battles, succeeding a mist tough oppositions.
“The Land is always made plain for praises”(Joshua 6). Paul and Silas were
trapped up in prison. They prayed and sang praises to God and the foundations
of Bondage gave way to God’s delivering power.(Acts 16:25). Praises is the
believer’s active source of power.
David also appreciated the gift of praises and was God’s
closest man.(Psalm 103: 1-5). Praises assure you of God’s friendship.
Remember, the word ‘PRAISES’ has 7 alphabet
indicating the Kingdom and its perfection. Go and try praising! PRAISES ARE
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