I greet you greatly beloved of God, remain blessed as you read this piece.
1 Peter chapter 8a- 9 says
And above all things have fervent love for one another for " Love will cover a multitude of sin."
9 " Be hospitable to one another without grumbling."
many a time we say this words " Love will cover a multitude of sin" but do we really understand what it means and say? Am convinced, some of us do not really understand it. you cannot effectively live out the words you say without understanding them. The truth of the matter is, most of us are not really living out this scripture because we lack an understanding of it.
I will use two examples to explain what the scripture means. When God said that " Love will cover a multitude of sin," He meant that our act of love towards people would help them not to commit their intended sin(s) or the potential sin(s) they would have committed.
Now let's look at two examples. First, brother Emmanuel is very broke and really needs money to eat after not eating for two days. He intends going to steal but on a second thought decides to go to brother James for help. Brother Emmanuel goes to brother James asking for at least two hundred naira to buy food for himself to eat. On the other hand, brother James having enough money to spare Brother Emmanuel even more than the two hundred naira requested says " Brother Emmanuel i really understand how you feel but i don't have enough money to give to you. Go and the Lord will fill you. "
Brother Emmanuel leaves and goes ahead to steal. Probably, brother Emmanuel would go and successfully steal without being caught, or caught, and beaten to death. Whether brother Emmanuel survives the operation or not, the sin of stealing has already been committed. so you see, the sin was not covered.
Another example is that of sister Emmanuella who is so stranded and in need of accommodation. She goes to sister Mary and beseech her to accommodate her for at least two to three(2-3) weeks until she gets a place for herself. Sister Mary who has the capacity to help her refuses and gives her excuses. Sister emmanuella on the other hand leaves sadly and falls into the hands of a boy who accepts to help her with an ulterior motive. She eventually committed fornication with the boy.
Now, sister Mary's refusal to help sister Emmanuella has finally landed sister Emmanuella in the sin of fornication which would have been covered and prevented . It was a potential sin.
The many sins and atrocities committed today in our world is as a result of lack of fervent love for one another. It can be parental, family, or the people we meet everyday. I challenge you today, if you want at least a better world than this one not a perfect one which is not possible till the second coming of Christ, then show some love.
We are here today as Christians doing what is good because Jesus Christ showed us love by dying for us. Remain blessed.
written by Imoh Imoh Udontah
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