During the conference the Organised Press Crew interviewed some of the participants and it was actually great talking to them... They talked about the conference and equally advised the fellowship. In a nutshell they said what we keep us together is UNITY and LOVE and we should not forget the place of Jesus Christ in our lives because He is our all in all.
Portfolio: Evangelism dept leader
Tenure: 2010 - 2011
Base: Abuja
This conference is the first of its
kind what do you have to say about it?
I experienced the worship and we thank
God we all gathered from near and far to appreciate God for all he has done in
P F M. I thank God for it’s a gathering of eagles and we say thank you.
What thrilled you the most in the
cause of the conference?
The worship section.
Do you wish for another edition?
Of course again and again
What words of advice do you have for
PFM and her current leadership?
They should keep on moving no matter
what. They should make God first in
everything because P F M is our starting point. P F M also is a place to be and
they should keep on loving Jesus
Name: Priscal
Portfolio: leader TNT GVMC
Tenure: 2012 - 2013
Base: Asaba
This conference is the first of its
kind what do you have to say about it?
The conference is very o.k., it’s been
healthy and I leant many thing, it was uplifting.
What thrilled you the most in the
cause of the conference?
Talking to people I don’t talk to
Do you wish for another edition?
What words of advice do you have for
PFM and her current leadership?
The most important thing is love. They
should walk in love, they should know God more and have a personal relationship
with him. For the leaders there should be love, they should make the Holy
Spirit their all in all and be Holy and steadfast.
Name: Kayode Awodeji
Portfolio: Sunday school teacher
Tenure: 1999
Base: Ibadan
This conference is the first of its
kind what do you have to say about it?
This is another forum that I have seen
that brings most pfmmites together. Its another avenue to start again so that
the vision will continue.
What thrilled you the most in the
cause of the conference?
Worship section
Do you wish for another edition?
Yea sure we have started and we must
What words of advice do you have for
PFM and her current leadership?
We should not relent and we should not
forget where we started, just keep the fire burning. For the present leadership
they should not give up no matter what. We faced it and we overcame through
prayers and endurance. They should pray pray pray and believe. Let their impact
be felt.
Name: Rawlins
Obode aka Raw is war
Portfolio: Prayer leader and Elder
Tenure: 2003 - 2004
Base: Asaba
This conference is the first of its
kind what do you have to say about it?
Its been what we have been praying for
and looking for so its like a dream come through/prayers answered so personally
am happy.
What thrilled you the most in the
cause of the conference?
Seeing one another.
Do you wish for another edition?
Sure sure sure.
What words of advice do you have for
PFM and her current leadership?
Let the love and unity continue and
the purpose of discipleship should be kept in focus.
Name: Kingsley
Portfolio: O.P.C/pioneer papa
Tenure: 2002 - 2003
Base: Asaba
This conference is the first of its
kind what do you have to say about it?
It’s a success with this kind of
number for the first time it’s a great success.
What thrilled you the most in the
cause of the conference?
Worship section.
Do you wish for another edition?
Very well if possible every month.
What words of advice do you have for
PFM and her current leadership?
I want them to be focused in our
destination which is heaven. And I also want unity amongst the brethren.
Name: Eke
Portfolio: His majesty Mass Choir Elele
Tenure: 2008 - 2009
Base: P/H
This conference is the first of its
kind what do you have to say about it?
Am so happy and glad am in the midst
of my beloved brethren. And I have come to understand that no meetings are the
same and we are product of many meetings and I know that his one was going to
be extra – ordinary.
What thrilled you the most in the cause
of the conference?
The praise and worship section. I came
out of my shelf, I don’t know how to put the word, it was just heaven.
Do you wish for another edition?
The Bible said that the glory of the
latter shall be greater than the former. Everyone will be anxious to see that
one because I know it will be better than this.
What words of advice do you have for
PFM and her current leadership?
For PFM at large love is the most important powerful
tool. With love unity is bound and when there is unity there is growth. For the
leadership I want them to serve as if without them nothing can happen. They
should be totally sold out. They should serve from the depth of their heart and
they should also look out for one another and to compliment each other.