It takes a believing heart and spirit full of faith by
empowerment of the Holy Ghost to see the manifestation of God’s Glory and Power
in Praise and Worship. But first we must believe in the Lord Jesus before we can
gain access into the throne room like the Holies of Holies to worship God in
spirit and in truth because the Bible says.
“By Him let us therefore offer the sacrifice of praise to God
continually, that is the fruit of our lips, giving thanks unto His name” Hebrew
13:15; which means without Him we can do nothing. But now that He is not
present here with us, He prayed that the father send the Holy Ghost which we
now have who would be that link to the father. We cannot separate the spirit
and power, for it is by the spirit power comes on a mortal man. Acts 1:8.
In conclusion, if we do not have Jesus and filled with His
spirit, there can be no manifestation of God’s Glory and Power in our praise
and worship. As children of God and believers that we are, we have to show
PROOF that indeed we serve a God who does powerful and Glorious things that
man’s eyes can not even imagine.
Lord Holy-
Israel Houghton
and Holy
Holy, Holy
You are
Join the
Heaven kiss the earth as we sing
God is Holy, not because He does
not commit sin, but because He is faithful to His word. The Lord is worthy to
receive Glory and Honour and power because we are made for His pleasure, we
were created to please Him, so we give Him the praise. He is so worthy of this
healthy worship song.
When the
Saints Go to Worship- Donald Lawrence
When the
saints go to worship
when deliverance will take place
When the
saints go up in praise
Satan’s powers are erased
trap the enemy sets
work, won’t work
When the
King, who is strong and mighty
Oh the
King, who is mighty in battle
Hail the
King of Glory shall come in
welcome you in
You are
the King and You are invited to come in
To this
This tabernacle
You are
the King and
You are
invited to come in.
Oh Lord ,
Our God- Fred Hammond, John P.Kee
I shall
forever bless they name
Oh Lord
our God, you are worthy
I shall
forever bless they name
Oh Lord
of Lords my God
No other
Lords like God
You are
my Lord, you are my God
You are
my peace, my all in all, yeah
And I
will bless you.
How did I
make it out
Of all
the things that I was in
lost hope
I saw the
way that I would win
Then you
rescued me
I should
have never doubted you
saviour, you have always been able
Now, I
I have
seen your ability
Lord you
have proven to me
That you
are powerful
Yes He
can solve every test
There is
nothing He won’t do for you
There is
nothing that is too hard
Oh Oh a
powerful, Power God
He is a
powerful God, He is a Powerful God
Girl on the Shelf
Continued from Last week...
That night the King could not
sleep, so early the next morning, he ran to the den with an expectation that I
would be dead but with a hope that I may still be alive. Then he called out;
‘Daniel servant of the living God ! Was your God whom you serve so faithfully
able to rescue from the lions?’
And I answered: Long live the
king! My God sent his angel to shut the lion’s mouth so that they would not
hurt me, for I have been found innocent in His sight. And I have not wronged
You Oh king!
On hearing my voice, the king
rushed out and ordered that I be brought out from the den. I was brought out
from the den. I was brought out by the help of a rope and immediately given the
best treatment. To their dismay and surprise not even a scratch was found on
me. To this, the King ordered that these ‘friends’ of mine, their wives and
children be thrown into the den. Their whole families were arrested and then
thrown into the den, the lions devoured them all. After this, the King sent
this message through out the world to every people, race and nation;
Peace and prosperity to you. I
decree that everyone throughout my Kingdom should tremble with fear before the
God of Daniel- For He is the Living God and He will endure forever.
His kingdom will never be
destroyed and His rule will never end. He rescues and saves His people. He
performs miraculous signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He has
rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.
At the end many years later I was
shown the eternal mysteries of the kingdom and given interpretations. I was
considered holy to be shown the visions of the end of the rule of the princes
of this world. I was shown the great battle between the forces of darkness and
of course the LORD OF HEAVEN’S ARMIES triumphed. These vision scared me because
I sae in one of my visions the ugly beast called the anti-christ who will rule
after the rapture of the saints and this prince’s ugly and despicable acts...
At last I had a confirmation for
my own crown of life, a crown of righteousness. For I was asked to rest at the
end of the days, you will rise again to receive the inheritance set for me.
From the Organised Press Crew, we
wish the Glory and Virtue Mass Choir a
glorious and virtuous day themed “GOD’S GLORY AND POWER IN PRAISE AND WORSHIP.”
God bless you all.
MY people una well done oh!! I
welcome una to another week of tatafoo. Sha hope say una week correct and hope
say una dey finally prepared for this week because me I believe say this week
sef carry him own blessings.
As per say this Sunday na another
powerful Sunday and na the last department wey be GVMC day celebrate their own
day today. Hopefully angel go come down today and Baba God go dance today no be
small because enough singing with orishirishi voice wey go make us begin thank Baba God no go
If una never notice, na the last
department wey go celebrate their day for the Ambassadors of Christ tenure that is to say some people wey among
us go soon become our new set of leaders. Hmmm...I no fit wait oh! But
seriously to talk true, I go really miss this tenure because I really learn
plenty things from them and I believe say God go bless them wella for the plenty work wey them don do for PFM. Whether
people like am or not PFM go last for this school. Well na for wait and pray
make our Papa work no go be in vain and also make him direct them to choose
correct people for the new tenure.
Na observation I use want write
this thing oo... make una no conclude say TATAFOO talk say them go hand over
abeg. Well nothing to yarn again but make una remember say the only person wey
no fit lie to us na Baba God and na him be The Oga at the Top wey go always
categorically love us no matter what. Till we show here again we say GOD IS
Tatafoo Korner
I see a few faces I know. Good Luck people.