One of the
greatest invitations to prayer ever given to anyone was spoken to Jeremiah when
he was in prison for preaching the truth God said.
unto me, and I will answer thee, and show the great and mighty things which
thou knowth not. (Jeremiah 33:3)
Almighty God
came to Jeremiah and did put that: (jere 33:3). This verse express the
importance of the person who spoke to Jeremiah. And like Jeremiah, we have his
personal number. He gave us his card, saying, “there it is” and “I want you to
call me”.
There’s not
one of us who cannot contact heaven. Never say in a situation, ”there’s nothing
I can do”. You can pray. Every fact use in our lives, when properly analyzed.
There’s not
a single sin in our lives that proper prayer would not have avoided or bolt
out, the not a need prayer cannot meet. Prayer is our greatest source of
untapped power! Our spiritual lives will not use above our prayer lives. We
must learn to pray. When don’t pray, we deny ourselves an incredible privilege.
God can do
anything he wishes. There’s no prayer too hard for God to answer, no problem
too big to solve, no person too lost to save. Nothing lies outside the reach of
prayer except that which lies outside the will of God.
Prayer is
your guided missile. It can be fired from any spot. It travels undetected at
the speed of thought. It hits the target every time. And if you don’t see the
answer right away, remember it can have delayed detonation. Satan has no
defense against your prayers. There is no anti-prayer missile.