Abetting God in filling lust with light.
So does Christ’s passion passion’s truth reveal:
That God Himself such love for us can feel,
Embracing us as we our loved ones might,
Rejoicing in our love as we embrace.
With a hip
and a hop,
kids don’t want
the Easter fun to ever stop!
Finding the brightly colored
Easter eggs carefully hidden and lain
and eating all of the Easter goodies
that Grandma has made!
Did you happen to see
the big bunny with the pink and white ears?
That means
that Easter is finally here!
Without Easter,
there would be no hope of heaven.
Without the hope of heaven,
there would be no repentance,
no personal transformation,
no attempt to follow biblical principles.
Without Easter,
the world would be in chaos
and darkness.
Jesus’ death and resurrection
means we can be reborn,
to live better, to do better,
to shine light into the shadows.
Happy, Happy Easter.
Easter is a promise God renews to us each spring
A promise that we’ll always have Him there,
And like the flowers that bloom so bright
And birds that sweetly sing,
We always will receive His tender care,
A promise that He’ll hold us up
Each time we start to fall
And see us through each hour of care and strife.
Easter is God’s promise
That His love rules over all,
And through Him
We will have eternal life.