Friday, 20 November 2015

Pentecostal Fellowship of Madonna, Okija:

Pentecostal Fellowship of Madonna, Okija:
We will walk and not go wary We will walk and not go faint For  the lord will go before us And his joy shall be our strength .We shall mount up with wings like eagles As the spirit start to sow When we came into his presence As we wait upon the lord   We will wait upon the lord In his presence there fullness of the joy And our strength shall be restored As we wait upon the lord   Wait on the lord Be of good courage And the lord shall strengthen thy heart Though he may not come Come when you want him But the lord is rigid on time
               KING OF GLORY

“Dear God forgive me
Forgive me God for failing to realize
How much you love me

Forgive for not knowing how to show you
How much I love you
Forgive me if I am a disappointment
To what you expect
Forgive me for not faithfully serving you

Forgive me for failing to tell you everyday
What an extraordinary God you are
Forgive me for failing in my line of duties.
Forgive me dear sweet, loving , ever  faithful
God for all my sins.
Forgive me because I love you my father
And I am sorry.

                                                                                WRITTEN BY EDDY KATE

Monday, 9 November 2015

Pentecostal Fellowship of Madonna, Okija:

C>Challenge your Friends to grow spiritually. Be determined to turn your conversation towards matters of faith.
A>Affirm your Friend’s value. You are always and would always be my best friend and I will always trust you as much as you do towards me.
R> Respect the feelings and wishes of those in and around your life. I will do my best to keep to this not minding my altitude.
E> Encourage those around and in your life.
          You are a jewel, a light, a priceless, ruby, you are one man with a big Heart to take the negative things I do and also the Non-sense I do put you through Sometimes. You are and would still remain real to me and all who you come in contact with.

                                          ABC OF FRIENDSHIP
A –Always be honest with your friend[s].
B –Be there they need you.
C-Cheer them up on they strive.
D- Don’t look for their faults.
E- Encourage and edify them in the lord.
F-Forgive them without nursing grudges.
G- Get together often to pray and do other things that will improve your general well being.
H- Have Confidence in them.      
I-Include them on your prayer list.
J-Just listen, even if you don’t have a solution to their problems.
K- Know their dreams and aspirations help them walk towards it.
L- Love them unconditionally.
M- Make them feel special.
N- Never forget them.
O- Offer to help them without waiting to be asked
P- Praise them honestly
Q- Quietly disagree, when necessary
R- Reject unproven rumours about them
S- Say you are sorry when they are offended.
T - Take time to know their likes and dislikes.
U- Use good judgments.
V-  Vouch for them, when necessary.
W- Wish them in all their endeavours.
X-   X-ray yourself first before counseling or correcting them.
Y-  Your words count, so measure them carefully.
Z- Zip your mouth and never tell a secret.
            To be effective in Life, you have to be selective in your choice of friends. You will like the company you keep men you make Godly friends.

Aaron Nayeluan

  We all want our prayers to be answered and be effective so much that we focus on the results of our prayers only that we love sight of the incredible privilege we have in prayer . For people like us to be able to speak to the centre of the universe is itself an amazing thing. The most astounding thing is the fact that he hears hear us and acts on our behalf. Jesus who is our lord and savior had to suffer and die on the cross to even make it possible for us to approach throne of grace to worship and pray[HEBREWS 10:19-25] .
            When we pray , we are communicating with God, Effective prayer has more to do with the one doing the prayer, has more to do with the one doing the prayer than it does with how we are to pray.The bible says on 2 chronicles 7:14, if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray that he will hear from heaven, forgive their sins and hear their cry. If only you will humble yourself and pray, you will be amazed at what God will do because things work faster with prayer .
            The bible has example of people who prayed and how prayer helped them , we have the likes of:
Daniel [Daniel 6:11] Prayer saved him from the Lion’s den.
The barren Hannah’s prayer[1 Samuel  1:20]
Apostle Paul ‘s prayers  even caused the earth to shake.
            Our prayers should be in line with God ‘will, but if we do not know what to pray for, Paul reminds us that as God’s  children we can rely on the holy spirit to intercede for us , as the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will[ROMANS 8:27]

1. Prayer brings you close to God.
2. Prayer brings help.
 3. Your sins are forgiven in prayer.
4. Prayer strengthens us.
5. Prayer helps you change your ways.          
6. Prayer brings faster results.

I  live you with this:
                        We should have the confidence In approaching God.No matter how great our sins , fears,problems,pain and trials is , believe on the bible verse [1st john 5:14-15] that if we ask anything according to his will, he will hear us.