Doubt or
Unbelief is the opposite of faith. It is
a feeling of being Uncertain About something.
Doubt is of the heart and it manifest in action or in action, decision
or indecision. Any decision or action done in doubt has no chance of success Doubt
hinders God’s blessings we stand strong in Chris by faith. We fall away from
Christ through doubt or Unbelief. A
doubt is the absence of faith. Faith is fundamental to all Christian service. A
doubting mind is like a wave of the Sea blown and tossed by the wind. It is
Unstable and cannot receive anything from the lord. James 1:5-7. Doubting is faithlessness
and it is impossible to God without faith. Doubt says “Unless I see God, I will
not believe”. Jn 20:24-29. Doubt is pliable willingly moveable and lacking
steadfastness, totally contradicting to the Scriptures. I Cor 15:58. Doubt makes a man miss God’s provision
for his life Num 13:27-33.
A doubting
mind will not believe the Lord report but will believe the evil reports of
situations and circumstances, doctor’s reports, economic reports e.t.c Num 13:
31-33. Doubt or Unbelief makes man have alter alternative to God‘s solution to
any problem. Doubt sinks a man in the storm of life. Doubt makes God hide his
face from man to attend to them. A fearful man is a doubting man .Doubt is a
man. Doubt gives birth to worry.
The only
antidote to doubt is faith. Faith is fundamental to all Christian service. Mk
11:22-24, Heb 11:6.We can only overcome doubt, fear, worry by faith. The lord
Jesus told Thomas and all of us in that we should not be faithless but believe.
The more we believe the word of God, the less we doubt.
Heb 10:23. Faith is what Satan hates the most and It is one
of the major thing that God demands. When in doubt or fear, we sink. Whatever
we see , hear or think feed our breeding doubt , Undoubt, unbelief or fear. Feed
our faith and fuels our faith. Keep your gaze off anything capable of breeding doubt,
Unbelief or fear. Feed your eyes on the word of God.
Doubt sinks a man in the storms and challenges of life but
faith makes a man overcome. The greater the room for fear , the more the
desent. heb 10:35 . A doubting man can never please God or receive anything from
By Philip
We are strong in the power of his
With God we keep putting on a fight
Putting on Gods’ own armour
We will be an aggrevating tremor
We stand against the wires of the
Casting out all the evil
We wrestle against powers , the
rulers of darkness
But we don’t get consume with
put Gods’ own armour
Killing our enemies like a tormor
It may disturb others like the weaver
We therefore stand in truth
Bearing his great fruit
Having the breastplate of
We carry his faithfulness
Talking the faith shield
Our enemies will yield
We are able to quench all fiery darts
of the wicked
We don’t just do it on a weekend
Taking up our helmet
The kingdom of darkness will melt
We are armour bearers
We are also the weavers
We are strong and bold
Breaking every stronghold.