Saturday, 25 October 2014

             MIRACLE SERVICE

                                                                                SISTERS CORD
I love prov 31. It describes a woman after god’s own heart, an ideal woman. A woman who represent God in his likeness and in his image. Now god knew the importance of a woman that’s why gen 2 vs. 21 says: he provided a helper to man, a helper to the nation a helper to the church.
Ideal women like Sarah (gen 16) were precious jewel to their people. Women who could stand and defend their nation amidst lots of men, women who were not intimidated by their circumstance surrounding them. Women who could stand for what are right.  Those were the women who never forgot their identity (judges4). What about you? Are you an ideal woman, the PROV 31 kind of woman? A woman who knows where she is coming from and knows her destination. A woman who represents the kingdom in any place and never gets deported, a woman who never ceases to go down on her knees and pray. She is a beautiful woman, a woman with an unfading beauty. A woman who does not let trails of the present obstructs her joy of tomorrow. A woman who clearly screams “bring it on life, I ain’t scared of you” you might beat me but I will stand up again” you might shoot me down but I will definitely not fall (ruth1 vs. 17) a woman who makes firm decisions and doesn’t weaver. A woman who knows that God has a purpose for the situation in which he places us in. ESTHER 4VS14 Esther said “what’s more who can say but that you have been elevated to the place for such a time as this.
                                                                                                                From the stables of sisters cord
                                                                                                                               Remain blessed


Sometimes life will hurt you,
But remember God heals, God is a healer
Sometimes weapons form against you
But they never prosper,
Remember God is your shield.

He’s waiting for your call,
Waiting to shield you from your fall
There is a place of rest and peace in the sanctuary.
Peace is waiting in the sanctuary
Yes (X3).

Sometimes, your bills can stress you,
But remember God’s peace, He is a peace giver
Sometimes your money’s running low
And you are worried how you will make it.
For God will supply all your needs.
(Repeat bridge)

(I feel you move, in the sanctuary) X2
Yes (X3)
I feel the breakthrough in the sanctuary
Yes (X3)
(More right now Move, in the sanctuary x2)
I believe, there is a miracle, in the sanctuary and he is waiting for you
God is a healer (X13)
Sometimes life will hunt you
So thank God for sanctuary.
Sometimes life will hunt you, but remember God heals. God is a healer. Sometimes weapons may form against you but they will never prosper, because God is your healer and your shield. So never give up on God, because he can still do great and mighty things.


                Dressing modestly; does it entail putting on the longest of skirts? Baggy clothing? Does it entail looking older than your age in your dress? Or what actually is the writer talking about?
                Dressing modestly means putting on dresses that covers what should not be seen. It means avoiding what my elder called “leaves”. When man discovered that he was naked, God made for him and his wife coats. This was to cover them from their “nakedness”. Thus, the main purpose of dressing is to “cover” nakedness. But this topic seems to be far away from our generation, who today in the name of fashion has uncovered instead of covering themselves. The word by no means condemns beautiful clothing, but when the dress is inclined to pleasing a trend at the expense of pleasing God, it becomes a problem. Our body therefore, is the temple of God and should not be exposed. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20).
                Dressing modestly does not compulsorily entail putting on expensive clothes but making the most out of the little we have to the glory of God’s name. it entails not putting the opposite sex in trouble when you are passing (Matthew 5:27-29) or walking. Modest dressing entails covering your record “50 packs” or broad shoulders or your cleavages. God gave you these things not to cause distraction but to win souls for him with or praise him (Matthew 5:28) .Let us help ourselves not to fall into sin but to serve God.
                As children of God, we should praise the Lord in everything we do including dressing modestly. For dressing modestly goes in hand with decency and propriety.
                A heart that is inclined to God, dresses to please God, but one that is inclined to self, dresses to please self. Most Ladies think that by dressing immodestly, that they attract men. No doubt they do! But they attract the wrong set of men who only see them as an object to calm their insatiable urges. But dressing modestly, covering what is to be covered, pleases God and brings respect to you. Like the saying: “THE WAY YOU DRESS DETERMINES HOW YOU WILL BE ADDRESSED”

Saturday, 18 October 2014



                                                                                A HIGHER CALLING
In our lives so far, changes have occurred, we have developed from the lives we are used to another greater height to what we have always had.
Surprisingly none of us have taken sometime to ask ourselves how we coped with the new level we found ourselves. This is because knowingly or unknowingly as greater responsibility is placed on our shoulders, the more we need to wake up and face reality.
 Now in the spiritual realm, same applies there. Tracing back to old testaments, it is obvious that the mosaic laws handed down on tablets of stones were God’s standards for live hood. As a result of that he demands physical devotion physically only for the remission of sin, the sacrifice of animals.
We have been called into a higher life now. It is a life beyond the demands of the law , a life that exceeds limitations, a life where we realize and receive god’s blessing and this life is only possible by the holy spirit,
This is the major reason why he dwells within us and upon us. We welcome you all to the school of IMPACT MINI DAY 2014, tagged”    A HIGHER CALLING. Keep soaring high the Holy Spirit awaits you.
                                                                                             Written by  Abodunrin Lois

Love means purposeful commitment to the sacrificial action for another
                Love is one of the characteristics of God. It is his nature to love, thus giving us that capacity to love since we are created in the image and likeness of god.
The true meaning of love has been corrupted in our use of English today .most often, love is confused with infatuation (“high feeling when we fall in love”). And this so called love does not last for more than a year; is this love? The world hides under the umbrella of love to commit atrocities and mislead people. Our understanding today about the word love is a feeling we experience like we say we fall in “love”.
My brother pleases standup from that which benefits your own personal desires.
 A lady tells you “if you are attracted to me be nice to me, meet my needs, and “love me “and I will in return love you as well. The guy loves the lady because he wants to get “soft” and when he has done this he dumps the lady and walks away in search of another victim to say “I love you”.  We live in a generation where love has lost its true meaning and is a commonly used word by even unbelievers who knows nothing about the meaning, origin and implication of saying “I love you”
Any human understanding of love must be founded on GOD’S OWN DEFINITION OF LOVE.  This definition goes around a Greek word “AGAPE”. Meaning God’s kind of love. This is the kind of love am talking about the type that last more than a year and it’s for eternity .this love is a sacrificial , unconditional and committed to the well-being of others  even unto death(john3:16). This love also is the highest exercise of love. This is the great commandment (Matt 22:32-40). Loving god entails obeying his commandments (john 14:15).
Also Apostle Paul said 1corinthians 13 that love is not an emotion but an action which is experienced and demonstrated. This agape love centers or is rotted on God.
 Finally as Christians we must learn to root our love on Christ for he is the source of love. For love is a force more formidable than any other yet invisible. Let us learn to make love visible through our demonstration and loving people the right way.

                                                                                                                BOYS OF TRUTH

                                 THE HIGHER CALLING
            A higher calling demands a higher living and a higher expectation. Because “to whom much is given, much is expected”. It is a call for us to realize what Christ’s death has done for us. That is, Christ’s death has given us access to communicate god by ourselves (i.e. directly) unlike in the Old Testament where the priest will have to talk to God on behalf of the Israelites.
            Also, it is for us to receive the blessing of Christ’s death has done to us ’GRACE’. Furthermore, Higher calling according to Matthew 5:17-48 made us to understand that Jesus did not come (i.e. died) to destroy the law but to fulfill the law. This means we are not expected to live according to the law but beyond the law.
            Lastly, without the Holy Spirit, we cannot achieve the higher calling. Jesus promised to send us the comforter which is the Holy Spirit who will teach us all that we are expected to do (John 14:16). It is the help of the Holy Spirit within, around, and upon us that will empower us to live according to the life expected from us.



I believe his word               
I receive his word
He promised me, a change
And I believe his word
Standing on his word
He promised me a change and I receive it.

No Lack is in my life
Full workings in my life
Everything’s restored (X2 times)
All of my past is gone
All hurt and pain is gone
Everything is changed for me (X3 times)
For me
Everything is changed
Nothing is the same
Everything is changed for me.

              The word of God is everything we need in life, if we believe the word of God, everything is going to change in our life.

Quit Worrying
  Do you think you have all the troubles in the world? Do you think your own case is the most unbearable? You think people are not facing worse hardships than you? Examine the story of Job in the bible. All he had was taken from him, he was afflicted with a strange sickness, his friends and even his wife condemned him, his kids died one by one.
         Another similar case is that of Apostle Paul: He was whipped on five occasions and also beaten with rods. He was stoned and left for dead, he was shipwrecked, and he suffered in the hands of armed robbers, strangers, even those who claimed to be his followers. Do you know what kept Job and Paul going? It was their knowledge of the bible that says we should cast all our cares and worries over to him. They knew that their situation was in the hands of their heavenly father so they have no reason to worry.
        Many of us once faced with a little hardship or problems just start worrying ourselves unnecessarily. Remember that Paul and Job were humans just like us. They felt the pain and hardship of life just like we do but still they held on because they knew help was on the way.
       Do not think for a moment that God has forgotten you. You are always in his heart, Take the sparrows for example, they are just birds, yet God watches over and provides for them. {Matthew 6:26, Matthew 10:29}.  If God can watch over sparrows, why do you think he will not watch over you who is a human being? God is always there to save us from these simple steps:-
Thank God for the troubles he has saved you from before now.
With faith, ask God to help you with the problem you are facing currently.
Thank him and let him know you believe your prayer has been answered.
Patiently wait on him.
     Trust in God because his time is the best. Hold on, help is on the way. Quit worrying, Start believing.                          

                                                                            THE GIRL ON THE SHELF.

                                         HIGHER CALLING

      There is something special about the calling of God, the call is for every believer. God does not force himself, he just makes an offer and allows you to decide, if you would listen to his call.
      Higher calling is a call to like the Gods kind of life; It is to partake of, all that Jesus death and resurrection made available for the believers Gods utmost desire is that we be like his son who is the image of the invisible God.
      God does not call a believer to make him bitter, but to make him better. He wants us to enjoy the grace that Jesus has already made available.
       Higher calling entails living your present level, state position to live the expected life. The truth about life is that it comes in phases and stages and to become all that God wants to be then we must pass through these phases.
       A wise man said there is process to every progress, therefore for a believer to attain that height, and then he or she must believe and pass the test of life.
      Many of us wants to grow spiritually, I must say the criteria is to summit to processes and processing. Processes entails following through God plan or agenda, the processing means overcome     challenges in life, and challenges of life. It also entails the conscious steps we take to grow. These steps could include, spending time in the presence of God, studying God word and Praying.
        In Conclusion, God does not want us to struggle but to enjoy the abundant grace Jesus has provided
Grace for exploit, Grace for the unimaginable, Grace to love above sin, Grace to believe God word, Despite the situation or circumstance.
                                                                      FROM   President and Vice Presidents