Welfare day 2014
4(22-24), ROMANS: 13(11-14)
The word “time” is a short word but has a very broad meaning and has
different dimensions. The Greek word time is “KAIROS”. Time is an interval
between and event and another, it may be long or short. Whenever we talk of
intervals as a Christian, your time begins to tick from the moment you were
born and this could be long or short. Jesus understood these things and said in
john: 9(4) “as long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me”.
Night is coming, when no one can work. Now it is important that we know that
there is a day and night aspect of time. Day when we are to work, labor,
prepare. And the night is meant for rest. The bible says “he who works at night
stumbles, for he has no light”.
A true worshiper according to psalm
24:4 is one who has clean hands and a pure heart. A worshiper operates with
A true worshiper operates with
revelation and not just information.
What does it
mean to worship in spirit and in truth? [1 Chr 14:14-15]
When you pray in spirit and in truth,
you understand in sincerity
Purpose: [Matt 24:14-28, Jer 1:5, Rom 8:19-23, Eph 1:11]
As Christians we have to understand
and know our purpose on earth, for the bible says in Rom 8: 19 “for the world is waiting for earnest
expectation of the manifestation of the sons of God”. So we should
understand that we have a purpose to fulfill to draw people or a soul to God,
because to world is waiting for us to manifest or discover our purpose.
challenge with the youth today is that they have time but o not know what to do
with it, while the old know what to do but do not have time”.
[Romans 13:11-14, Ecc 12:1, hab 2:3, Jn 7:6]:
The world is waiting for us; we ask
how prepared are we to face them. The bible made us to understand that we
should remember our creator in the days of our youth, so how prepared are you?
The bible also makes us understand that we have to wait for our visions though
it might linger.
· He that wins a soul is
· Shall we continue in sin
that grace may abound? NO!
· Great commission
The time
God has
invested different time in each and every one of us and one thing we should
understand is that, “the time invested in
someone is different from the time invested in another person...”
thing Christians of our generation fail to understand is that God has
substitutes, and when God has put in responsibilities in our hands for specific
periods of time and when we have failed to carry these things God has entrusted
in our hands, he removes us and gets us replaced. So the moment we miss out God
would leave us and make good use of his substitutes.
time is now than never because no matter how long we live it is just one day in
the eyes of the lord.
Mama Chika.
The time
A mere
hearing or seeing this catch word “THE TIME” so many questions come into our
minds like “what time are the referring to; which time are they talking about
and eve when is this time”.
statement is a little bit familiar to most of us and some people are like “when
will this time ever come?” A friend of mine once said that since she was a
little girl she has been working, hearing “the end time is near”, and yet till
now nothing has happened. The bible in Romans 13 from verse 11 to 14 alerts us
of the closeness of the time. If the bible can state this you expect the fact
that it was written along ago, that is to show you how necessary and
reference can be linked to the ten virgins, the wise ones were alert and
carried with them extra oil and by the time the foolish ones realised their oil
will not be sufficient for them they went out to buy more. The bridegroom
arrived and the door was shut against them and when they knocked he replied “I
tell you the truth, I do not know you. Now that the door is still open brethren
lets wise up lest he tell you “I do not know you”. In 1Thess 5:2, where Paul,
Silas and Timothy write to the church of the Thessalonians reminding them of
God’s coming that will be like a thief in the night.
Isaiah 55:7 where he is encouraging us to depart from our sins and turn to the
lord and he will have mercy on us. And the same thing is in Hebrew 8:12 where
God says, “for I will be merciful to
their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquity shall I remember no more”. This
means that once you turn to the lord, he automatically forgives and has mercy
on you.
In rev
3: 20 he says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If any one hears my
voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him and him with me”. Now
the door here does not refer to the door to your house, rather the door of your
heart. Jesus says he is knocking now, if you open your heart for him, he will
come in and dwell in you. Now, there is a difference between God and when the
world approaches you.
world hammers at your door while Jesus taps at your door. Those who look at
Jesus are radiant and their faces are never covered with shame. In 1 peter 3:12
the bible says, “The eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are
open to their prayer but the face of the lord is against the unrighteous”. The
face of the lord is over the righteous and his ears are open to their words.
challenge and urge us today to take put the time, sit down and critically asses
yourselves. If the time should come now, am I ready. Am I sure of myself or
would I be found wanting like the foolish virgins or will I see the face of the
lord when it’s too late... beware... shalom.
Welfare department
Edidiong Edet
T I m e:
When I do count the clock that tells the time
Time is timing us
Clock ticking us
And time yourself
Beautiful faces,
Muscular builds,
Handsome faces
And tender looks
All shall fade
As others grow
G0D’S method for real revival
Text: 2 Chronicles 7: 14
I suppose no other passage in the bible has been
used more often to preach about revival than this verse. That is because it is
a revival verse. You will wonder whom the verse is addressed. “My people, called by name”. God is speaking
to people who have identified themselves with him and his work. He is speaking
to people that we would call saved. This verse was given to Solomon at the
dedication of the temple. God has warned the people that their disobedience of
his word and commands would bring with it dire consequences, 2 chro 7:13, for
their lord, now he sets forth the conditions necessary to reverse his judgement
and work revival.
Real revival requires real requirements: before revival can ever become a reality, the
people of God must meet the four demands mentioned in the verse. Meeting these
four demands does not guarantee that revival will happen, but it does not
create an atmosphere in which it becomes possible and far more likely.
A call to preparation- humility
A call to prayer- prayer
A call to passion- devotion
A call to purity- repentance.
Real revival provides real rewards: if we meet the requirements then we
create an atmosphere where we can experience some tremendous spiritual rewards
from the hand of the lord.
God will hear us: sin hinders prayer Ps 66:18. However, when sin is taken care of,
prayer can fly unhindered to and from the throne of God. There is no more
powerful force in the world than an unhindered prayer life. This is because it
has the power and ear of God and is used to accomplish his will on earth, luke
God will heal us: this great verse was given to Israel. They were warned that their sins
would be answered by the lord through drought. This would devastate their land
and their population. However, the lord’s promise to them was that repentance
equals rain. If they will honor him, he will honor them, if the will open
their hearts, he will turn open the heavens.
In a
way, we are in the same situation today, our homes communities and nation have
been devastated through a drought of spiritual blessing and power. If Gods
children will come back to him in genuine repentance and faith, we will see our
nation impacted for and by the glory of God, we need that kind of revival
Ezeh Mildred
Mass communication
400 level
Message behind the song
Looking at 2 Tim 4:
7&8 Paul could boldly say, “I have kept the faith. Finally there is laid up
for me the crown of righteousness, which the lord, the righteous judge, will
give me on that day, not only to me only but also to all who have loved his
As Christians if we can boldly say what Paul said without
our conscience judging us we don’t have to be scared of the end of the world
because we know our place in heaven.
Note: one day is a
thousand years to the lord. Our time is different from his time. His coming
will be a surprise when nobody would be expecting him. Give your life to Christ
today and let him use you for his purpose.
God bless