Monday, 24 February 2014

Welfare day 2014
TEXT: JOHN: 4(22-24), ROMANS: 13(11-14)
The word “time” is a short word but has a very broad meaning and has different dimensions. The Greek word time is “KAIROS”. Time is an interval between and event and another, it may be long or short. Whenever we talk of intervals as a Christian, your time begins to tick from the moment you were born and this could be long or short. Jesus understood these things and said in john: 9(4) “as long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me”. Night is coming, when no one can work. Now it is important that we know that there is a day and night aspect of time. Day when we are to work, labor, prepare. And the night is meant for rest. The bible says “he who works at night stumbles, for he has no light”.
Who are the true worshipers? [Psalm: 24(3-4), john 14:16]
A true worshiper according to psalm 24:4 is one who has clean hands and a pure heart. A worshiper operates with information.
A true worshiper operates with revelation and not just information.
What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth? [1 Chr 14:14-15]
When you pray in spirit and in truth, you understand in sincerity
Purpose: [Matt 24:14-28, Jer 1:5, Rom 8:19-23, Eph 1:11]
As Christians we have to understand and know our purpose on earth, for the bible says in Rom 8: 19 “for the world is waiting for earnest expectation of the manifestation of the sons of God”. So we should understand that we have a purpose to fulfill to draw people or a soul to God, because to world is waiting for us to manifest or discover our purpose.
 the challenge with the youth today is that they have time but o not know what to do with it, while the old know what to do but do not have time”.
Preparation/waiting/reward: [Romans 13:11-14, Ecc 12:1, hab 2:3, Jn 7:6]:
The world is waiting for us; we ask how prepared are we to face them. The bible made us to understand that we should remember our creator in the days of our youth, so how prepared are you? The bible also makes us understand that we have to wait for our visions though it might linger.
Kingdom stewardship:
·       He that wins a soul is wise
·       Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound? NO!
·       Great commission
The time
God has invested different time in each and every one of us and one thing we should understand is that, “the time invested in someone is different from the time invested in another person...”
It is either we make good use of our time now or we should be replaced or we may actually miss out from Gods plan for us.
One thing Christians of our generation fail to understand is that God has substitutes, and when God has put in responsibilities in our hands for specific periods of time and when we have failed to carry these things God has entrusted in our hands, he removes us and gets us replaced. So the moment we miss out God would leave us and make good use of his substitutes.
The time is now than never because no matter how long we live it is just one day in the eyes of the lord.
Mama Chika.
The time
A mere hearing or seeing this catch word “THE TIME” so many questions come into our minds like “what time are the referring to; which time are they talking about and eve when is this time”.

This statement is a little bit familiar to most of us and some people are like “when will this time ever come?” A friend of mine once said that since she was a little girl she has been working, hearing “the end time is near”, and yet till now nothing has happened. The bible in Romans 13 from verse 11 to 14 alerts us of the closeness of the time. If the bible can state this you expect the fact that it was written along ago, that is to show you how necessary and
important it is that God has to warn is beforehand so you and I may not be found wanting. Even in Proverbs 8: 17, where God said, “I love that that love me and those that seek me early shall find me”. He could have just said and those that seek me find me but rather he said that those that seek him early shall find him God himself knows that there will definitely be a time you will seek after him and it will be late. Now is the time to seek him as it is still early. There is a saying that says “make haste while the sun shines”. Now that the sun is still shinning and there is time, the bible beckons on us to put aside the deeds of the darkness and put on the armour of light [rom 3:12].
Another reference can be linked to the ten virgins, the wise ones were alert and carried with them extra oil and by the time the foolish ones realised their oil will not be sufficient for them they went out to buy more. The bridegroom arrived and the door was shut against them and when they knocked he replied “I tell you the truth, I do not know you. Now that the door is still open brethren lets wise up lest he tell you “I do not know you”. In 1Thess 5:2, where Paul, Silas and Timothy write to the church of the Thessalonians reminding them of God’s coming that will be like a thief in the night.

In Isaiah 55:7 where he is encouraging us to depart from our sins and turn to the lord and he will have mercy on us. And the same thing is in Hebrew 8:12 where God says, “for I will be merciful to their unrighteousness and their sins and iniquity shall I remember no more”. This means that once you turn to the lord, he automatically forgives and has mercy on you.
In rev 3: 20 he says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If any one hears my voice and opens the door I will come in and eat with him and him with me”. Now the door here does not refer to the door to your house, rather the door of your heart. Jesus says he is knocking now, if you open your heart for him, he will come in and dwell in you. Now, there is a difference between God and when the world approaches you.
The world hammers at your door while Jesus taps at your door. Those who look at Jesus are radiant and their faces are never covered with shame. In 1 peter 3:12 the bible says, “The eyes of the lord are over the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer but the face of the lord is against the unrighteous”. The face of the lord is over the righteous and his ears are open to their words.

The bible is psalm 8:6 says, “Ye are gods and all of you are children of the most high”. You can imagine the position we have in God. If you fail to realise your place on time, the possibility of activating the power in your position is very low and it may be too late when you discover it, “the time is now”.
I challenge and urge us today to take put the time, sit down and critically asses yourselves. If the time should come now, am I ready. Am I sure of myself or would I be found wanting like the foolish virgins or will I see the face of the lord when it’s too late... beware... shalom.
Welfare department
Edidiong Edet
T I m e:
When I do count the clock that tells the time
Time is timing us
Clock ticking us
Watch your time
And time yourself
Beautiful faces,
Muscular builds,
Handsome faces
And tender looks
All shall fade
As others grow
What then shall you show your master when your night comes, and your morning is gone and all to be remembered by are the works of your youth. Buy yourself a watch because our time ticks and very soon stops; so make yourself a time keeper and make good use of your time

G0D’S method for real revival
Text: 2 Chronicles 7: 14
I suppose no other passage in the bible has been used more often to preach about revival than this verse. That is because it is a revival verse. You will wonder whom the verse is addressed. “My people, called by name”. God is speaking to people who have identified themselves with him and his work. He is speaking to people that we would call saved. This verse was given to Solomon at the dedication of the temple. God has warned the people that their disobedience of his word and commands would bring with it dire consequences, 2 chro 7:13, for their lord, now he sets forth the conditions necessary to reverse his judgement and work revival.
1)       Real revival requires real requirements: before revival can ever become a reality, the people of God must meet the four demands mentioned in the verse. Meeting these four demands does not guarantee that revival will happen, but it does not create an atmosphere in which it becomes possible and far more likely.
a)     A call to preparation- humility
b)     A call to prayer- prayer
c)     A call to passion- devotion
d)     A call to purity- repentance.
2)     Real revival provides real rewards: if we meet the requirements then we create an atmosphere where we can experience some tremendous spiritual rewards from the hand of the lord.
a)     God will hear us: sin hinders prayer Ps 66:18. However, when sin is taken care of, prayer can fly unhindered to and from the throne of God. There is no more powerful force in the world than an unhindered prayer life. This is because it has the power and ear of God and is used to accomplish his will on earth, luke 11:2
b)     God will help us: God also promises to “forgive our sins”. This means that not only is the prayer line restored, but it is also a means of having a close fellowship with him.
c)     God will heal us: this great verse was given to Israel. They were warned that their sins would be answered by the lord through drought. This would devastate their land and their population. However, the lord’s promise to them was that repentance equals rain. If they will honor him, he will honor them, if the will open their hearts, he will turn open the heavens.
In a way, we are in the same situation today, our homes communities and nation have been devastated through a drought of spiritual blessing and power. If Gods children will come back to him in genuine repentance and faith, we will see our nation impacted for and by the glory of God, we need that kind of revival
                                                                     Ezeh Mildred
                                                              Mass communication
                                                                        400 level
Message behind the song
People have been waiting for the end of the world, some have said that since we have been born we have heard about the end of the world, and they ask themselves is the world really going to come to an end. In peter 3: 9 it makes us understand that God is slow about his promise about the world one day coming to an end because he doesn’t want everyone to be destroyed but for everyone to repent. Some have looked at certain events and concluded that the world would soon be coming to an end but in Mathew 24: 6-7, makes us understand that we would hear rumours of war etc, but when you have given your life to Christ and allowed yourself to be used by Christ, that is the end of the world.
 Looking at 2 Tim 4: 7&8 Paul could boldly say, “I have kept the faith. Finally there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the lord, the righteous judge, will give me on that day, not only to me only but also to all who have loved his appearing”.
As Christians if we can boldly say what Paul said without our conscience judging us we don’t have to be scared of the end of the world because we know our place in heaven.
Note: one day is a thousand years to the lord. Our time is different from his time. His coming will be a surprise when nobody would be expecting him. Give your life to Christ today and let him use you for his purpose.    

                                                                                                        God bless



Sunday, 16 February 2014

It may interest you to know that one of our own Kingsley Obiefule has by the special grace of God written a book which he titled “TRIUMPH IN THE MIDST OF CHAOS” he tried explaining that people this days cannot wait on the plan 
of the creator they become so impatient in that they want everything to be done now forgetting that there is an appointed time for everything.
However the Organized Press Crew of PFM met him and He has this to say.

EXCERPT: We live in challenging times- no doubt about that. The church today has raised people who cannot wait on the plan of God. These Christians believe everything must be now, fast and quick. It is now the case that instead of setting the pattern for the world, the world has now set a pattern for us. Part of the things preachers say today make people believe that God is Santa Claus, and that His function is to give you whatever you want, whenever you want it and how ever you want it. This is not the truth. In other to balance the old mindset that Christians have in church ( the one in which they think that spirituality is measured by suffering and poverty), some preachers have gone to the extent in cajoling members into believing that their commitment to God is evident in the amount of wealth at their disposal. In other words, your faith is questionable if there is no Naira or Dollar to show for it. You cannot exclude or include someone from faith on the basis of their temporary situation. There is nothing wrong with prosperity at all. However, some Christians have not only misconceived it but have corrupted the church with this misconception. These Christians today are more inclined to delivering ‘feel-good’ messages or counsels while they fail to prepare those in their charge for the real world. As a result, some of us have been robbed of the understanding that faith is not an exemption ticket from tragedy and challenges. Many of us have been struck with amazement to find out that after we have claimed, believed, prophesied and even read success tips, there are troubles persisting in our lives. But then, you must understand that you do not claim you have faith until you have had something to overcome. This is because real faith is proven in the furnace of trial - in the University of Adversity. With this you can prove to yourself and the rest of the world that you believe God. This is not because things went smooth, but because you went through some hard stuff and maintained your integrity with God. Irrespective of your social status, race, denomination, academic qualification, your faith must be tested. No one will escape the ‘Processing Room’ of God. Beloved, we all go through challenges but it is our mindset that makes all the difference. Thanks

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

26th January 2014
It is only natural in life that one has to work towards achieving a particular result. You don’t just sit down in your comfort zone and expect things to work the way you desire
For this reason, that is why it is being said that what so ever a man sow, that shall he reap. This is why it is advisable that where so ever one finds his or her self, you should try and give your best in everything.
It will be according to the effort you put into that particular thing. Nothing you find yourself doing in this life that came by mistake or by chance. There is always a reason for what you are doing and where you find yourself at that point in time in time, so try and be diligent in whatever yourself doing, especially in the vineyard of God, because there is always a reward for whatever you do, whether it is bad or good, there must be a reward for it. Nobody in life can get a reward without doing anything that deserves that reward.
I have tried to wonder what reward awaits me for all my service and dedication to God’s work. Most times I ask myself why God places so much responsibility on us as believers….. I have come to realize that working for God requires willingness and it must be done out of a ready mind before it can produce results. In 1 peter 5:1-5there is already a specific instruction by God concerning what we should do i.e. feed the flock of God, care for it willingly and not grudgingly, not for what you will get out of it but because you are eager to serve the lord. to serve God with a willing heart you need to get your mind of the prize and concentrate more on what you do to get the prize.
I would really like those of us who are workers in God’s vineyard to ask ourselves these necessary questions.
1                   Am I living my life the right way?
2                   Are you in a department because of what people will say about you?

Working for God requires some necessary keys, they are;
1    Responsibility Luke 12:35-48
2    Faithfulness Daniel 6:4
3    Selfless service Mark 8:35
4    Dedication Number 27:23
5    Persistence Mark 13:3, 1Cor 9:24, Col 1:11
6    Humility Isaiah 66:2, Phil 2:3.
I dare to assure. you that once you follow these keys your reward will be a never ending share in his glory and honour, because God is faithful not to forget your labour of love

Peace Nwigwe (OPC graduate)
I am full of flaws
I am full of mistakes
I am full of errors
I am full of sin
I am so unrighteous
But I am willing to give it all up
I am willing to right my wrongs
I am willing to retrace my steps
And I know oh Lord that you are willing and ready to see me through.
I am ready to toil for you oh Lord
I am ready to serve you oh Lord
My heart, mind, voice, ears, lips, eyes, hands and every part of me belongs to you.
And I am willing to give them all up to you oh Lord.
Only for your glory,
For your adoration
And to magnify your holy – name
Because you are worthy of all these and many more.
See me through oh Lord
Because I need your strength
I need your zeal
And I also need your grace.
Thank you oh Lord
Because I know you will do it for me.

VICTORIA ETIM (prayer sub unit OPC)
Do you know that it pays to do good, whatever you sow is what you actually reap. Getting reward for your work doesn’t mean it always has to be good reward because you cannot be working for the devil and expect to get reward from God. All am trying to say is that if you work for God, you must surely get your reward no matter how long it takes, your reward must come.
In all we know that nothing good comes easy in life so if we call ourselves workers of God, let us keep His commandments and with that I am certain that our reward will not only be in heaven but on earth.

Every word said, every action taken, whether in secret or in open places has its rewards. Sometimes we do and say things without thinking of the results. We may think that no one sees or hears the things done or said in secret but we are wrong  because God will bring every work into judgment whether it be good or whether it be bad (Ecc 12:14)
Sometimes we do things that are good just for the praise of men (eye service) or simply to get earthly reward from men but we don’t know that the greatest reward is in the heavenly reward gotten from God our father.
As we live our lives daily, let us not forget to do things that will get us HEAVENLY REWADS acting not as pleasers of men but as children of God.
ODIRICHI (Billboard sub – unit OPC)
“Every worthwhile accomplishment has a price tag attached to it. The question is always whether you are willing to pay? Its hard work, sacrifice, faith
 and endurance”. JOHN MAXWELL   
I am willing to put myself through anything, temporary pain or discomfort means nothing to me as long as I can see that the experience will take me to a new level.
I am interested in the unknown and the only one path to the unknown is through breaking barriers, an often painful process”       DIANE NYADI
“Nothing is more endangered in the modern world than powerful combination of hard work toward meaningful goals joined with an exuberant embrace of the present moment.        TOM MORRIS
The Fruit of Your Labor
Joseph Mary. O (Billboard sub unit OPC)
“What goes around must surely come around” says a popular adage, you can never cheat nature, what you sow is what you reap. If you sow well, you will have a good reward, if you sow evil, you will reap evil. You cannot plant yam and harvest corn.
Apart from our heavenly reward, our earthly reward depends on what we do on earth. As a student, if you don’t read your books and study for your exams. You will surely fail. As workers, if you fail to do your work diligently, its either you are sacked or your salary is deducted.
A lazy farmer who fails to do the normal planting rituals will end up with nothing to harvest and would go hungry.
Most people do things and expect the reward to come immediately, but sometimes, your seed of today would spread roots and germinate later so that your future generation would reap the fruit whether good or bad.
Watch it dear before you sow a seed, pause and think to know the type of seed it is because your generations might reap it for there is a reward for every work on earth whether good or bad.

The Relationship between Christians and the World
Obehioye Okozide (Leader OPC)
The world refers to the vast system of this age that satan promotes and that exists independent of God. It consists not only in the obviously evil immoral and sinful lifestyles and values of the world, but also refers to the spirit of rebellion or indifference to God and His revelation. Satan uses the world ideas, morality, philosophies, psychology, desires, governments, culture, entertainment, mass media, religion, sports, agriculture, etc to oppose God, His people, His word and his righteous standard. (Matt 16:26, 1cor 2:12, Titus 2:12, 1Jn 2:15-16.)
Behind every human enterprises, there is a spirit or power that moves against God and His word.
Believers are called aliens and strangers in the world. (Heb 11:13), they are called out ones from the world (John 15:19). We are to overcome the world, hate the world’s evil. To love the world means to be in ultimate fellowship with and devoted to the values, interest, ways and pleasures of the world. It means taking pleasure in or enjoying what is offensive and opposing to God. (Luke 23:25).
Its impossible to love the world and love God (Matt 6:24, Luke 16:13) “so its your choice to make the best decision and keep Jesus in your heart or choose to keep the world and perish. God doesn’t forbid a love or appreciation for He created the earth.
We have to understand that the world is temporary and will be judged by God so take heed my brethren so that you will not miss out on His reward.

Reward For your Work (LEADERSHIP)
Bright Duweni (Asst Leader OPC)
Serving others is one of life’s most awesome privileges. The only ones who will be really happy are those who have sought and found to serve. As a leader I enjoin you to always hunt for the good points in people, remember they will do same to you. As a leader if you want to get ahead, be a bridge not a wall, love others more than they deserve. “The golden rule is of no use unless you realize that it is your move”
Remember that each human being presents us an opportunity to serve so when you are in a leadership position, we should not become so proud and arrogant that people cannot even approach us simply because we are in a place of power.
Can’t a leader be humble?
Can’t a leader be approachable?
Can’t a leader be listen to some other ideas?
Can’t a leader be kind at all cost?
See, the entire population of the universe with one trifling exception, is composed of others. Do you want to get along better with others? Be a little more kind than necessary. When you share, you do not lessen but increase your life.
Remember that true leadership begins with servant hood. Harry Josdik said “one of the most amazing things ever said on earth is Jesus Statement “He that is greatest among you shall be your servant” Elder Iboro Paul once said in her teaching that “A leader is the chief house boy or chief house girl”
So as a leader lead with the mindset that your followers cannot repay you and GOD MOST DEFINITELY WILL REWARD YOU.

Sin has no Degree
Miebaka Abolo (aka Mimi, Welfare sub – unit OPC)
What price would your generation be paying because of your negligence? Whatever you do whether good or bad must come back to you. Secret sin is very dangerous. When you maintain a secret sin in your life, you are killing yourself.
Nowadays people learn to commit sin in a modernized way. Sin has the power to harden someone’s heart from rendering service to God. Your sin will follow you to where your friends will leave you and even beyond. Its better to die in jail than to die in sin. Judah’s sin affected his generation and the crown was returned after 10 generations.
The reward for your sin or service must catch up with you. Don’t spare sin because it will not spare you when the time comes. Why not invest your time by serving God and working for Him. You are

royally! You have power and Authority!! Activate it and be useful to God!!! Just do everything with decency, moderation and with a good heart.
Remember, “no one pleases God contradicting His word”. Sin has no degree, just serve God and watch him reward you by fulfilling His word in your life.
Reward for your work
Monilari Odunayo (OPC)
Ephesians 6:8
“Knowing that whatever anyone does, this he will receive back from the Lord, whether he is a slave or free”
Jeremiah 17:10
“I the Lord search the heart and test the mind, to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds”
In a nutshell there is always a reward for any deed done be it good or evil, so the choice is yours.