Friday, 26 December 2014


                                                    FRAGILE AND GENTLE
                         He holds you close to His side
                        If only you can see
                        You will feel the warmth of his embrace
                         And have an experience with his Grace.
                          With shame and guilt,
                           You run off with your sin
                       And weep over spilled milk;                                                     
                      You really have to change
                     From “Inside Out”.
                   His word is the only way
                    Like sunshine in the “Rain”
                     And “Rainbow” in the sky
                  So beautiful you are in the sight
                 But if only you will come
                You will gain might
                To fight flesh everyday
                                           STAND FIRM
                                                   AND FOREVER STAND
                                                          NOW STAND FOR HOLINESS

             THE REASON WHY

                Fear of man, fear of certain laws of nature, fear of disease, fear of Satan, and fear of circumstances all came through SIN-consciousness. If you take away sin-consciousness from a man, he is utterly fearless.
                Jesus met sin as its conqueror. He met lack and need with a smile because he dominated them. WHY? Because he had no sense of sin and no sense of inferiority before God, man, Satan or anything that Satan could do. This man is all that would expect God to be. I could not ask for God to be, different from Jesus. He had perfect peace. He had perfect self-control. He had perfect dominion over the laws of nature. He read the heart of man as an open book. He stood absolutely alone, a master and yet he was utterly one with weakness (Hebrew 4:15). He surpassed their limitations, he met their perplexities and he answered every cry and need of human. He could be approached. He was utterly holy and yet the prostititute and the drunkard and the murderer felt perfectly free in his presence. He was perfectly Fust and yet the multitudes gathered around him, seeking to touch the helm of his garment and found healing. He hated diseases and diseases and sickness, and yet the multitudes gathered around him, seeking to touch the helm of his garment and found healing. He had no sense of limitation as he faced human needs.
                And the reason why he lived beyond human imagination was because of holiness. I charge you this day to line and stand for Holiness, so as to fulfill destiny in this world and the world there after (HEAVEN)  



                Every living soul is the greatest force of his/her destiny. As much as he/she is the greatest enemy of his/her life.
                As a holy child of God, we need to take every possible responsibility to make our lives bright and better because when we take responsibility for all the things we could not make happen, we reposition our mindset and stimulate the drive to make it happen.
                A successful achiever is one who does not blame people or life for what happen to them, because they know that they are in command of the affairs of their lives as mandated on them by God. So every child of God is born to be a great achiever in everything they do. Blames and its flairs must be broken in order to see clearly what lies ahead.
                Dave bond, an inspirationalist once said that “An achiever is someone who cannot stop doing something and start spending time on few activities that will bring him closer to his dreams. Thus, an achiever is not a time waster”
                John .C. Maxwell said “the truth is that we are 100% responsible for what happens to us .if we claim we are not, who then is”
                Be a great person today as a Holy child of God, for great people thinks of using their time, but ordinary people think of merely spending their time. Break the flair for passing blames and you will be willing to S.T.A.R.T the journey to effect a change in your life.
                S- Slice the dream into goals. Start with the big task, the more you get the task done, the more easily the task.
                T- Think through the ideas and develop it to a standard.
                A-Mask questions about the field you are venturing into. Don’t do fancy and sexy investments.
                R- Resolve to reach the closure. No submissions until you have achieved your desire.
                T- Tie it a deal line. Some people achieve more when they set a time line for their goals and work with it.


Wednesday, 24 December 2014


                                       THE FRESH ELDERS OF OKIJA CAMPUS

                Love denotes undefinable benevolence and unconquerable goodwill that always seeks the highest of the other no matter what he or she does. It is the self-giving love that gives freely without asking anything in return, and does not consider the worth of its object. It is not arrogant and infected with pride; it is not rude and does not act unbecoming.
                God’s love is indeed a sacrifice and that brought grace- Jesus Christ. In the beginning of the world i.e. creation era, man was in good and solemn relationship with God but as a result of disobedience, man lost that relationship. Man started to live in total subject to law and evil reigned all over the earth (genesis 6:5) and God was displeased that he created man. He punished all that sinned. Many were by flood and some others by fire. but the question is” did these punishments stop man from sinning”? The answer is NO! Because man was bound to sin and also controlled by the power of sin. By one man sin came into the world(disobedience) and also by another man salvation came(obedience).god decided to save man from the power of darkness into light so as for us to see he glory of the world.
                The question is- what love is greater than this? That a man gave out his only son for other people.  Even ritualists who kill to have money , many of them left their old life as a result of the gift of the only son of the father(john 3:16). The love of God has given us identity of been God’s children (1 john 4:8), that love saved us from our ignorance.
                Love (God’s love in and for man) does not insist on its rights or its own way, for it is not self-seeking, it is not touchy or fretful or resentful. It takes no account of the evil done. It pays no attention to a suffered wrong. It does not rejoice at injustice and unrighteousness but rejoices when truth and right prevail.


Sometimes life will hurt you,
But remember God heals, God is a healer
Sometimes weapons form against you
But they never prosper,
Remember God is your shield.

He’s waiting for your call,
Waiting to shield you from your fall
There is a place of rest and peace in the sanctuary.
Peace is waiting in the sanctuary
Yes (X3).

Sometimes, your bills can stress you,
But remember God’s peace, He is a peace giver
Sometimes your money’s running low
And you are worried how you will make it.
For God will supply all your needs.
(Repeat bridge)

(I feel you move, in the sanctuary) X2
Yes (X3)
I feel the breakthrough in the sanctuary
Yes (X3)
(More right now Move, in the sanctuary x2)
I believe, there is a miracle, in the sanctuary and he is waiting for you
God is a healer (X13)
Sometimes life will hunt you
So thank God for sanctuary.
Sometimes life will hunt you, but remember God heals. God is a healer. Sometimes weapons may form against you but they will never prosper, because God is your healer and your shield. So never give up on God, because he can still do great and mighty things.



                        AUTHENTIC   IDENTITY
Identity simply means who or what a person is. It defines a person on totality. People may have an opinion of who they think you are like in [Luke 9:19], [Ruth 3:9]. John the Baptist and even Jesus Christ was asked about their Identity.
        Knowing who you are is a matter of personal discovery.  Jesus discovered his identity in [Luke 4:17] . Man is helpless without God , that is why He sent his only begotten  Son Jesus do die for us [John 3:16]  In Matthew 11: 28 we are  admonished to come to the Son.
                                        This is our Identity
We have been brought with a price we are so precious to God [Psalm 8:4, John 3: 16]
       By accepting Jesus, you welcome his leadership as the king and lord over your life. This acceptance is done with the heart by faith [Roman 10:10] and then confession with the mouth in which lies the power of Life and death [Luke 12:8, Proverbs 18:21].
        My friend, When you do this, you are changed and transformed into a new creation [2nd Corinthians 5: 17] your sins are just forgiven but you actually seated with Christ in Heaven places [Eph 2:6].
       A joint heir with Christ [Roman 8:12] and a god. [Psalms 82:6]
        In the beginning man lost it, the very life of God which is eternal Life , but now through the redeeming  power of the Blood of Jesus  Christ, we are now saved from condemnation , guilt and sin [Romans 8:1] We have authority to mount over snakes and circumstances, we are more than Conqueror, Brethren now that you are born again you must access divine truth from God ‘s word [2nd peter 1:3] , we must not fail to renew our mind daily[Romans 12:2] because this is the key to walking in the reality of our true identity.
                                                                                                                            Pastor Chidinma