Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Exco Sunday 2012

The second phase of the Ambassadors of Jesus Christ Tenure kicked off with the Exco's Day 2012 anchored by the seven pillars of the Pentecostal Fellowship of Madonna, Okija.

Welcome Note!!!!

Praise the Lord church. You are welcome to a new level, a new session and a new semester. This lap is going to be a wonderful one with a good academic performance for those who believe.
From the stables of the Organised Press Crew, we say welcome, remain blessed and always know that we are willing to serve you. We love you but...

 ISAIAH 43:18-19
“Do not remember the first things, and to the former things do not turn YOUR consideration. 19 Look! I am doing something new. Now it will spring up. YOU people will know it, will YOU not? Really, through the wilderness I shall set a way, through the desert rivers
God has always been in business of making things new for his people. He spoke in Isaiah 43 about his plans to restore his people Israel from the vices and bondages of sin. Newness describes a time of total and complete renewal and regeneration of the mind, body and spirit.
Something new represents something exceptionally different from the previous occurrence. It is some state of complete transformation that comes from an inner consciousness. The Bible says in Isaiah 43 ‘‘you shall not know it’’ wow!!! Isn’t that amazing?
You first have to understand the mystery of newness to manifest in the realm of complete newness.
You have to work in the consciousness of newness because until something changes within you, nothing changes around you. Ezekiel 11:19, 20. Every situation has an expiry date, every stormy waters has its time of peace. It really doesn’t matter how long you have been under the bondage of sin, poverty, sexual perversion, lust, academic failure, sickness etc.
Your ability to trust God in the midst of challenges guarantees you a life of glory. 2cor 1:20, Jer29:11.
Finally, God loves you, come and enjoy the life of unlimited newness...

                                                 I am the sand

                                                     I have seen the world at its best

I have witnessed its ugliness

I bear the remains of slaves

And the splendour of kings alike

But I have seen the sun

And also the world’s darkness

In all these I have seen man

As he has risen

As he has fallen

As he has broken himself against pain and heartache

I have seen him love

I have seen him dream of paradise

I saw him bleed

I saw him sacrifice

And I saw him cry

But in all these he wasn’t alone

I saw God with him

In all these memories

I saw an ever present life

I saw an ever present love

I saw the next

Happiness again and again

But as sand as I am

I still see the play

Memory replacing memory

One thing constant

One thing true

God never leaves man

God is always true.





A certain king of a particular kingdom decided to embark on a journey not knowing when he would return. He called in three of his closest council members and assigned different responsibilities in them.
The first he made in charge of the youths development of his kingdom, the second he made in charge of his kingdom, he was to be a supervisor and the first and the first would be answerable to him. The third man he made a servant to the second man.
Having entrusted his kingdom in their hands he left for his journey. After he left the first man felt angry and felt it was an insult to his person to be under the second man and he decided to abandon his responsibility. Having left, the second man became very proud and did not perform his duty but maltreated his servant and engaged in other activities. On the other hand the servant remained faithful and did all he was asked to do.
When the king returned he was angry and summoned the three men because the people of his kingdom left for the neighbouring kingdom. He asked for a report of how they performed while he was gone and so many excuses were raised by the first and second man. This angered the king and he banished them from his kingdom. He told the third man to stand up because he had been kneeling all along. He acknowledged him for his good work during the time he was away and adopted him as his son saying all he had in his kingdom belonged to him. In conclusion many are called but few are chosen but those that will have the grace of being are those that will obey the instructions of God because god instructs us in all aspects of our lives. Also trying and help us realise about His coming by speaking through his pastors, ministers etc.

Glory and Virtue Mass Choir ministration
Song Title: God is a Healer by Kurt Carr


Verse 1
Sometimes life will hurt you
But remember God heals
God is a healer
Sometimes weapons formed against you
But they’ll never prosper
Remember God is your shield
He is waiting for your call
Waiting to shield you from your fall
There’s a place of rest and peace
In the sanctuary

He sits, waits in the sanctuary
Yes, Yes, Yes,

Verse 2
Sometimes your bills can stress you
But remember God’s peace
He is a Peace Giver
Sometimes your money is running low
And you’re worried how you will make it
But God will supply your need
He is waiting for your call
Waiting to shield you from your storm
There’s a place of rest and peace in the sanctuary

Verse 3
I feel a breakthrough
In the sanctuary
Yes, yes, yes
Move, right now, in the sanctuary
I believe there’s a miracle in the sanctuary
And it’s waiting for me
God is a healer

There is a call to remembrance of God’s POWERFUL NATURE as OMNIPOTENT, OMNISCIENCE, AND OMNIPRESENCE, these and much more are the attributes of the God Head! This is just a quick reminder to all those who have forgotten God.

School of Impact
Topic: The Power of Asking
Text: Matthew 7: 7-11
The Power of Asking
 Memory Verse: John 16:24

Most people wish and grumble concerning things but do not ask, and because of this attitude they are reaped of what belongs to them. Others are scared of asking for something because they feel it is irrelevant or too big to ask. God wants this attitude to change. He wants our day to be full. John 16:24
Elements of Asking
·         For you to ask and receive results you must stand- Ephesians 6:14-18                    Stand firm, therefore, with YOUR loins girded about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and with YOUR feet shod with the equipment of the good news of peace. 16 Above all things, take up the large shield of faith, with which YOU will be able to quench all the wicked one’s burning missiles. 17 Also, accept the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, that is, God’s word, 18 while with every form of prayer and supplication YOU carry on prayer on every occasion in spirit. And to that end keep awake with all constancy and with supplication in behalf of all the holy ones’

·         Righteousness- Live a right and just life 2 Corinthians 5:21-The one who did not know sin he made to be sin for us, that we might become God’s righteousness by means of him.

·         Faith: Have a firm conviction and produce a full acknowledgement of God’s truth Hebrews 11:6 -  
Moreover, without faith it is impossible to please [him] well, for he that approaches God must believe that he is and that he becomes the rewarder of those earnestly seeking him.

·         Salvation- You can not ask anything of God if He is not your father. You need to have a relationship with Him. Titus 2: 11
For the undeserved kindness of God which brings salvation to all sorts of men has been manifested,

·         Perseverance: Be patient and press on. James 1:4
But let endurance have its work complete, that YOU may be complete and sound in all respects, not lacking in anything.

Reasons why we do not receive what we ask for

·         Fear,

·         Unbelief (James 1:6 -7-But let him keep on asking in faith, not doubting at all, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and blown about. 7 In fact, let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from Jehovah; )

·         Praying against God’s will (1 John 5:14- And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that, no matter what it is that we ask according to his will, he hears us.)

·         Motive behind asking (James 4:3-
YOU do ask, and yet YOU do not receive, because YOU are asking for a wrong purpose, that YOU may expend [it] upon YOUR cravings for sensual pleasure.)

Conclusion: For you to ask and receive from God, you must be in the right standing with Him. 1 John 8:22- Therefore the Jews began to say: “He will not kill himself, will he? Because he says, ‘Where I am going YOU cannot come.’”. if you are a believer, let your asking put on the element and from now on start asking instead of wishing.

Tatafoo Korner
Una Good morning oohh..., tatafoo corner dey welcome una come another session, another semester, and another break and we sha know say una enjoy una break well well.

As we don resume so everything now na new oh, come new level and new semester, make we try our best for our acada and behaviour.

And as we dey start the semester, make we no forget Baba God, make we all start with am so we go end with am. Make we no also forget the school rules and regulations oh! Make we respect everybody around us.

Make we dey more dedicated to Baba God because him dey work around the clock. So that we go get good and better life so make we too dey try devote our time to work for am too.

Finally make we no forget Baba God word when Him yan. John 15:15- I no longer call YOU slaves, because a slave does not know what his master does. But I have called YOU friends, because all the things I have heard from my Father I have made known to YOU.

Until we come una area again next week, make una know say we still be Tatafoo Korner and we love una well well. Make una stay blessed o jaree!!
The Secret of Success Lies within You
Nwokoro Blessing
No one wants to climb the ladder of success only to discover that the ladder was learning against the wrong wall. Success is a series of right choices. To be successful in life, it requires one step at a time. Our thought life needs to be controlled because as a man thinketh, so is he. If you want to be successful, YOU MUST WORK ON YOUR MIND.
In our daily life, some things work hand in hand. We also need to control our tongue because our speech determines our direction in life. The words we speak can either hold us in bondage or bring us into success.
The secret of success is to apply enthusiasm and energy to every area of our daily life. Excellent surpasses being the best, so strive to be excellent. Be courageous, take an extra mile, the difference between good and great is a little extra effort.

     What do I mean by saying ‘’you are wonderfully made’’? its time you let yourself know how wonderful you are, its time you stand up with boldness and confidence and let the world know that you are perfectly built. No matter how much they mock you, gossip about you, condemn you. Don’t bother yourself, always tell yourself that you  are God’s image so anybody mocking you  is mocking your God for God said ‘’Let’s make man in our own image, in our own likeness’’(genesis 1:26). There is no need to be shy, don’t feel intimidated wherever you are. Don’t feel cheated because of your status, that’s the way God wants it. You are wonderfully made and beautifully created in the glory of God. No one can ever be like you. You are so special and unique so don’t forget to tell them ‘’YOU ARE GOD’S IMAGE’’
            When ever God does something in your life, it’s very important that you testify it openly. The power of that testimony endorses your miracles. Brethren if you don’t testify to what the Lord has done for you, you might loose it.
            In   luke 8 :45-47; the woman with the issue of blood touched Jesus’s clothes and wanted to sneak away. Jesus kept asking “ Who touched my clothes’’ the Bible says she came trembling and falling down before him, she declared unto him before all the people for what cause she had touched him n got her healing immediately.
            It was the public testimony that brought about her wholeness. That’s the power of testimony. That’s the same thing with salvation. The death of Christ brought about salvation to every human being, both those alive and those that are yet to come. But he who opens his mouth to testify that Jesus rose from the dead and also Jesus is his personal lord and saviour will be saved.
            Indeed, life is a gift which we fail to appreciate, that you are alive today is by the grace of God. Has there ever been a time when God closed his ears to your cry? Even when we refuse to appreciate him, he doesn’t relent in his blessings. Let us always say “ THANK YOU’’ to God in whatever way. We don’t have to do it before his congregation, we can testify of his goodness to those around us everywhere we go. Think about how you feel when you are stranded, you will be sure and see reasons why you should share God’s goodness with others.
            Remember, your testimony can be the reason for someone else to keep believing.
It happened like this
Grr.... grrrr.... grrrr....
I ran to pick my phone and this was what I heard
Nike!!! Nike!!! Nike!!! Said the caller, who? I asked, ‘’Adenike.... she’s dead’’
I , still not comprehending ,asked ,‘’which Adenike?” and the voice replied ‘’Your friend ...(parts) GVMC’’ she almost shouted.
A shout.... then silence......
Adenike? I asked quietly
‘’yes’’ she says  too quietly.......
‘’What happened?’’........
I can’t remember the rest of the dialogue now but this news spoilt my day. I wanted to cry but didn’t know how to. Instinctively, my eyes flashed to the picture I had of her on my table..... then i remembered the smile, the tilt of her head, the flash of her eyes, the laughter, the dimples... i just remembered.
‘’God! No’’ I whispered
‘’NO!’’ I continued
‘’Nooooo! Its not true
She was so full of life, so happy, a dedicated worker, she was....’’ I stopped startled because I used the word ‘’was’’.... i started crying.
To cut the long story short, I remembered all the lovely times we shared; the fun; the laughter; the times I helped with a task or two. I remembered all her close friends and my heart reached out to all of them (and still does). If it was possible for someone to pray  for a soul fallen asleep I think I did.
To me, this was a wakeup call to be very careful in this race. So should this be  call to other workers who worship in spirit and in truth to stay true in his path.
Nike  you have  entered your eternal rest and have ceased from all works. Good bye friend till we meet to part no more.
On behalf of myself and my department, O.P.C- Our sympathies go to GVMC-(You lost a worker, we lost a friend) Sleep on friend.......